
Execution Error

RyodoTanaka opened this issue · 11 comments

When I execute the program like following.
I got the execution error.

$ ./build/planner_hierarchy data/experiments/06D_doubleLshape.xml
[EnvironmentLoader] loading from file /home/ryodo/workspace/quotient_space_ws/orthoklampt/data/experiments/06D_doubleLshape.xml
Initializing ODE...
Failed to open file
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I already modified the absolute path inside of the xml code.
What should I do ?

Thank you forward.

And I already realized there are missing files.
For example, inside of the src/deprecated/planner_sentinel_irreducible_projection_dual.cpp, <orthoklampt>/data/sentinel_complete.xml is referred. But, There is no sentinel_complete.xml file....
This case is one of the example of the missing file....
My first priority is to execute planner_hierarchy program with data/experiments/06D_doubleLshape.xml.
So, please tell me which program should I fix ?
Thank you.

Thanks again for reporting the issue. I fixed that in the new version by using every path relative to the directory of the executable. Please make sure that it works for you.

Thank you for fixing the error.
But I still have following error.
I think there still be two kinds of error.

1. absolute path error

This error is same as you fixed at 5a3a385

2. GLUI error

I already installed freeglut3 and freeglut3-dev by apt command.
I have no idea to fix this. OR, because of the missing of the model loading, is it occurs...?

$ ./planner_hierarchy ../data/experiments/06D_doubleLshape.xml 
[EnvironmentLoader] loading from file /home/ryodo/workspace/quotient_space_ws/orthoklampt/build/../data/experiments/06D_doubleLshape.xml
Initializing ODE...
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/box_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/box_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/box_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/box_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Done loading robot file /home/ryodo/workspace/quotient_space_ws/orthoklampt/build/../data/experiments/../robots/DoubleLshape.urdf.
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/cylinder_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Done loading robot file /home/ryodo/workspace/quotient_space_ws/orthoklampt/build/../data/experiments/../robots/DoubleLshape_capsule_inner.urdf.
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/cylinder_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Done loading robot file /home/ryodo/workspace/quotient_space_ws/orthoklampt/build/../data/experiments/../robots/DoubleLshape_capsule_outer.urdf.
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/sphere_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Done loading robot file /home/ryodo/workspace/quotient_space_ws/orthoklampt/build/../data/experiments/../robots/DoubleLshape_sphere_inner.urdf.
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/sphere_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Done loading robot file /home/ryodo/workspace/quotient_space_ws/orthoklampt/build/../data/experiments/../robots/DoubleLshape_sphere_outer.urdf.
Simulation initial state: 6016 bytes
Force Fields
UniformForceField : force 0 0 -9.81
Hierarchical Tree 
 levels       : 3

 level 0 nodes: 1
 level 1 nodes: 1
 level 2 nodes: 1
Robots 3 3 0 
Hierarchical Tree 
 levels       : 3

 level 0 nodes: 1
 level 1 nodes: 1
 level 2 nodes: 1
Robots 3 3 0 
Hierarchical Tree 
 levels       : 3

 level 0 nodes: 1
 level 1 nodes: 1
 level 2 nodes: 1
Robots 3 3 0 
Hierarchical Tree 
 levels       : 3

 level 0 nodes: 1
 level 1 nodes: 1
 level 2 nodes: 1
Robots 3 3 0 
GUI Start
Warning, GLUI not defined
Closing ODE...


With other PC. I got the GUI window !
So, the second problem, about GLUI error, it should be depending on my PC environment...
screenshot from 2018-11-02 12-56-31

But the first problem, the file path problem, still be exists....

With respect to the GLUI error: The KLAMPT Library needs to have the variable HAVE_GLUI set. It should do that automatically if you have GLUI installed, but maybe you installed Klampt before installing GLUI? In that case you should probably reinstall Klampt and make sure HAVE_GLUI is set.

The absolute path error: Could you specify again what kind of error you get? It seems you can start the GUI. The GUI should only start when every single file has been loaded. Did you had to replace all filepaths by an absolute path? I have tried to fix that, and it works on my machine with the data/experiment/*xml files (where i replaced all absolute with relative paths).


1. GLUI error

KLAMPT Library needs to have the variable HAVE_GLUI set. It should do that automatically if you have GLUI installed, but maybe you installed Klampt before installing GLUI?

I do not remember exactly, whether I already installed GLUI begore Klampt was build.
But anyway, I am trying to reinstall Klampt and every dependency packages.
So, after that, I will report the result.

2. Absolute path error

I got completely same error with GUI window as shown on following.
Some of them succeed to load the file, but the rests failed to.

$ ./planner_hierarchy ../data/experiments/06D_doubleLshape.xml 
[EnvironmentLoader] loading from file /home/ryodo/workspace/quot_ws/orthoklampt/build/../data/experiments/06D_doubleLshape.xml
Initializing ODE...
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/box_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/box_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/box_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/box_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Done loading robot file /home/ryodo/workspace/quot_ws/orthoklampt/build/../data/experiments/../robots/DoubleLshape.urdf.
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/cylinder_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Done loading robot file /home/ryodo/workspace/quot_ws/orthoklampt/build/../data/experiments/../robots/DoubleLshape_capsule_inner.urdf.
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/cylinder_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Done loading robot file /home/ryodo/workspace/quot_ws/orthoklampt/build/../data/experiments/../robots/DoubleLshape_capsule_outer.urdf.
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/sphere_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Done loading robot file /home/ryodo/workspace/quot_ws/orthoklampt/build/../data/experiments/../robots/DoubleLshape_sphere_inner.urdf.
Could not load geometry /home/aorthey/git/orthoklampt/data/objects/urdf_primitives/sphere_ori_center.tri, in relative or absolute paths
Temporarily ignoring error...
Done loading robot file /home/ryodo/workspace/quot_ws/orthoklampt/build/../data/experiments/../robots/DoubleLshape_sphere_outer.urdf.
Simulation initial state: 6016 bytes
Force Fields
UniformForceField : force 0 0 -9.81
Hierarchical Tree 
 levels       : 3

 level 0 nodes: 1
 level 1 nodes: 1
 level 2 nodes: 1
Robots 3 3 0 
Hierarchical Tree 
 levels       : 3

 level 0 nodes: 1
 level 1 nodes: 1
 level 2 nodes: 1
Robots 3 3 0 
Hierarchical Tree 
 levels       : 3

 level 0 nodes: 1
 level 1 nodes: 1
 level 2 nodes: 1
Robots 3 3 0 
Hierarchical Tree 
 levels       : 3

 level 0 nodes: 1
 level 1 nodes: 1
 level 2 nodes: 1
Robots 3 3 0 
GUI Start
Didn't read settings from [APPDATA]/simtest.settings
Wrote default settings to [APPDATA]/simtest.settings
Loading viewport from ../data/viewport/robot_Lshape.viewport...
Unable to open ../data/viewport/robot_Lshape.viewport

I succeed to execute GUI window after reinstall the Klampt.
So, your guess was right. Thank you for that.
But the absolute path error is still occurring with completely same error message.
It looks like that just loading geometry files are missing.
So, the part of loading geometry files should be fixed, I think.


Thank you for your instruction.
I succeed to launch the example execution !
screenshot from 2018-11-02 19-01-31

Should I send a Pull Request to your repository ?
But I modified the file structure of dependency packages in order to make it easy to treat with relative path...
And modified installation section.
