
Tools for human sparce lidar simulation with mesh inputs.

Primary LanguageC

Sparce Lidar Human Simulation CUDA

Tools for human sparce lidar simulation with mesh inputs.


  1. BVH based CUDA ray mesh intersection.
  2. CUDA based Furthest Point Sampling with given mask.




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from tools_xue import BVH, furthest_point_sample_with_mask
import torch
def face_vertices(vertices, faces):
    :param vertices: [batch size, number of vertices, 3]
    :param faces: [batch size, number of faces, 3]
    :return: [batch size, number of faces, 3, 3]
    assert (vertices.ndimension() == 3)
    assert (faces.ndimension() == 3)
    assert (vertices.shape[0] == faces.shape[0])
    assert (vertices.shape[2] == 3)
    assert (faces.shape[2] == 3)

    bs, nv = vertices.shape[:2]
    bs, nf = faces.shape[:2]
    device = vertices.device
    faces = faces + (torch.arange(bs, dtype=torch.int32).to(device) * nv)[:, None, None]
    vertices = vertices.reshape((bs * nv, 3))
    # pytorch only supports long and byte tensors for indexing
    return vertices[faces.long()]
device = "cuda:0"
bvh = BVH().to(device)
ray_origins = torch.tensor([[0.,0.,0.]]).to(device)
ray_directions = torch.tensor([[0.,1.,0.]]).to(device)
_verts = torch.randn(50, 3).to(device)
_faces = torch.ones(20,3).to(device).long()
# _faces =  torch.tensor([[0,1,2]]).long().to(device)
triangles = face_vertices(_verts[None], _faces[None])
distances, closest_points, closest_faces, closest_bcs = bvh(triangles, ray_origins[None], ray_directions[None])
valid_mask = distances > 0
assert valid_mask.sum() > 0
fps_idx = furthest_point_sample_with_mask(closest_points, valid_mask, 1).long()