
r/fakealbumcover image scraping tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

/r/fakealbumcovers frontpage image scraper

Motivated by laziness, I wrote a scraper that will download all album covers on the frontpage of r/fakealbumcovers

Blog post explaining my process writing this little scraper.

Installation and Usage

Requires Node v7.6 or above

  1. Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/aos/alcoves.git
  1. Install dependencies
$ npm install
  1. Change the download path by setting IMAGE_DIRECTORY with a relative path to your desired location
const IMAGE_DIRECTORY = '../../Pictures/covers'
  1. Run either using npm start or node index.js

Using Docker

The image is stored on Docker Hub. You can run it with the following command:

$ docker run --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -v ~/Desktop/imgs:/app/images --rm aosd/alcoves

Note: The images are downloaded into /app/images inside the container (can be changed in index.js), so you will need to mount the appropriate folder to download the images locally. In the example above, I've mounted the ~/Desktop/imgs folder.

(--cap-add=SYS_ADMIN is needed when running locally because the Dockerfile uses a non-privileged user which may not have all necessary privileges.)

If you want to build it locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Build image
$ docker build -t alcoves .
  1. Run image
$ docker run --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -v ~/Desktop/imgs:/app/images --rm alcoves