
A simple DNS server

Primary LanguageGo


A barebones, simple DNS server implementation for edification and use with my Wireguard VPN.

I've written a blog post about the implementation of this DNS server.


  • go (tested on 1.14, but could/should work on older versions)

Installation & Usage

  1. Clone repository
  2. Build with go build
  3. Run with:
./udns [-port 8053] [-zonefile file.zone] [-address ""] [-forward-server ""]
  • Port defaults to 8053
  • Zonefile defaults to master.zone (you can use http://zonefile.org to create a zonefile)
  • Address defaults to empty
  • Forward server defaults to

There is also a bundled systemd unit file that can be modified and copied into /etc/systemd/system/ for an auto-starting service.

A note about Linux distributions with systemd

If you are using systemd-resolved, keep in mind that you will not be able to run this with an empty address on port 53. This is because systemd-resolved creates a local DNS server/cache/resolver that listens on and an empty address attempts to listen on all availabe IP addresses of the local system. To get around this, you can specify an -address for others to listen on, a simple one being