
  • Please only add TEST CODE here, not actual assignment code. If you accidentally pushed your assignment code, please delete ASAP to avoid any inconveniences.
  • Otherwise, happy coding and debugging!

How to Use

  • is the latest version of the tester. The Backup_Tester is incomplete. All tests in Backup_tester are in
  • You may clone this repo to your Intellij or your preferred IDE. If you aren't familiar with Git, our amazing TA Sasha made a tutorial
  • Worst case scenario, you may also copy paste the code onto a .java file under assignment1. It's not recommended since you might miss something, but it's quicker than the last method.
  • If you found an error in the tester, feel free to email me at MAGNUSGAO2@GMAIL.COM.
  • You may also add new tests and create pull requests. I will check my inbox every 2 hours from 9am EST to 1159pm EST.
  • Happy coding and debugging!


For IntelliJ IDEA (recommended)

VCS -> Get from Version Control... -> Paste the URL of this repository

For Eclipse

File -> Import -> Git -> Projects from Git (With Smart Import) -> Clone URI -> paste URL of this repository into the URI box -> Click next a bunch, setting directory at your own discression, Master branch from origin. All else default -> Finish

For both:

Drag your .java files from the assignment into the tester package.

In case your IDE does not automatically set package name, change your package name to COMP250A1_W2020

Regularly update the tester (pull the repository). Your assignment files will be ignored.