Grabyo technical test

At Grabyo we love board games and will have an occasional poker night. Since no one remembers the card ranking you will have to write a program that compare poker hands and determines a winner.

1. Requirements

A poker hand has a constructor that accepts a string containing 5 cards:

hand = PokerHand("KS 2H 5C JD TD");

and a method to compare itself to another hand

def compare_with(self, opponent):
    # Your code here
    return 0

The characteristics of the string of cards are:

  • A space is used as card seperator
  • Each card consists of two characters
  • The first character is the value of the card, valid characters are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, T(en), J(ack), Q(ueen), K(ing), A(ce)
  • The second character represents the suit, valid characters are: S(pades), H(earts), D(iamonds), C(lubs)

The result of your poker hand compare can be one of the 3 options:

  • 0 for a TIE
  • 1 for a WIN
  • 2 for a LOSS

The ranking of the hands should follow the Texas Hold'em rules

You are free to architect your code the way you want: adding classes, enums or constants as long as you stick to the compare_with method signature and PokerHand specification given in the sample. You can use any libraries that you feel are relevant to solve this problem.

## 2. Tests

Sample unit tests have been included in the code skeleton. You can run them as a script: python Writing more tests is welcome :)

Good luck ;)