
Team Number - 203-1 Team Name - Rocket Scientists Team Members - Kyran Butler, Jia Jian, Qiuyang Fu, Tahmina Ahmad, Justin Chen, Sahil Shah Application Name - Chat Application

Image of Chat App

Repo Organization

  • Chat-Application
    • client
      • all client related files, such as pages and styles.
      • so this package.json had dependencies related to the client
    • the rest is server related, so this package.json had dependencies related to the server
    • the readme contained in this folder is generated on creation of the react app, unmodified.
  • Milestone-Submissions
    • all of the milestones
  • Team-Meeting-Logs
    • mostly unused meeting logs, communication was facilitated in Discord making this not necessary
  • .gitignore - files to ignore
  • - this file
  • logo.png - logo

How to Run

  • Must have NPM and Postgres installed
    • Download repository
    • Run npm install in root
    • Run npm install in client
    • Create a postgres DB called chatapp
    • Run npx sequelize db:migrate (or NPM, NPX works for me)
    • Make a file called .env (many things go here, but at least:) SECRET=e879742b62b6b3020da1bce7ea4abb06051541462afa92348cccbae87cac693740c64094031783a74c06eec9c35e1cbeb520c1f9327bda1cbfe716ff50620269 PG_PASSWORD=insertpostgrespasswordhere
    • Run npm start in root to start server
    • Run npm start in client to startup react


  • Heroku was used, however because the code is not in the root of the repository, it was difficult to do CI. Instead, manual pushes were initiated using the Chat-Application folder as the root to Heroku.
  • link is: