Friend Finder


  • What is Friend Finder? Friend Finder is a full stack website designed to

  • How Does Friend Finder Work? The user answers the questions presented to them, and includes their name and picture. When the user submits their survey, their best match is presented to them.

  • Target Audience of Friend Finder The target audience is anybody who wants to find friends

  • Purpose of the Project The purpose of this project is to demonstrate knowledge of express.js and back end server distribution of information and API functionality

Getting Started


A web browser is the only necessary application needed to run this app.


The apps's files can be accessed by pulling from the github repository. when installing run "npm init" in your terminal.

Executing program

  • The app is fully functional when the browser has loaded.


If there are any problems or issues with this app, please contact the author.


Friend Finder was developed by Alex Silvester in 2018

You may contact Alex via email at ( with any questions.

Version History

  • 0.1
    • Initial Release