error in running of"demo_new_images.m" file
mtastal opened this issue · 9 comments
while trying to run "demo_new_images", ive got this error
Running Selective Search on 0 images
Generating imdb file results\new_data\imdb.mat
Reading annotation for 1 images
Error using load
Unable to read file 'models\local.mat'. No such file or directory.
Error in demo_new_images (line 83)
net = load( netFile, '-mat');
what should I do?
is it necessary to run demo file before if so, i've got this error for "demo"
Error using readLines (line 14)
File E: can not be opened!
Error in demo (line 45)
test_set = readLines(sprintf(VOCopts.imgsetpath, 'test'));
thank you in advance
Unable to read file 'models\local.mat'. No such file or directory.
Have you tried downloading the models using step 5 of ?
test_set = readLines(sprintf(VOCopts.imgsetpath, 'test'));
Before running the demo file you should download the data using instructions in
thank you but still have an error of new type,. see below
Running Selective Search on 1 images
Image 1 of 1
Error using CountVisualWordsIndex (line 25)
First two input arguments should have the same 2D dimension
Error in BlobStructColourHist
Error in Image2HierarchicalGrouping (line 42)
[colourHist blobSizes] = BlobStructColourHist(blobIndIm, colourIm);
Error in selective_search_boxes (line 56)
[boxesT{idx} blobIndIm blobBoxes hierarchy priorityT{idx}] = ...
Error in demo_new_images (line 58)
boxes = selective_search_boxes(curImage, true);
It looks like a bug with the interface of selective search.
Are you running this with our test image?
yes, lina-lg.jpg
Could you test it with MATLAB-2014b and matconvnet v1.0-beta18?
do i need to run
% cudaRoot = '/usr/cuda-7.0' ;
% compile_mex(cudaRoot);
given that Ive CPU not GPU and I've already mex the required files
using mex file_name
Note: I am using Matlab 2017 and matconvnet v1.0-beta25 but already test it with beta18
Could you please check that SelectiveSearch is working? Does their demo run?
How can I check it properly working?
Regarding the demo file, please see the output below
In demo (line 46)
Error using readLines (line 14)
File E: can not be opened!
Error in demo (line 46)
test_set = readLines(sprintf(VOCopts.imgsetpath, 'test'));