
EmancipaAPI is a REST backend to handle a CramSchool site manager

Primary LanguageJava

EmancipaAPI - Spring REST



  • Get: /cursinho - List all CramSchools
  • Post: /cursinho - Create new CramSchool
  • Put: /cursinho/ - Update by UUID
  • Delete: /cursinho/ - Delete by UUID


  • Get: /cursinho/apply -
  • Post: /cursinho/apply -
  • Put: /cursinho/apply -
  • Delete: /cursinho/apply -

Sub subtitle

Some text


API: Apllication Programming Interface. It is a set of routines and standards established by a software application to be used by another software as a layer of abstraction.

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Code example

python manage.py makemigrations polls

Image example

Descrição da imagem