
A window manager written in QB64!

Primary LanguageVBA


A (very basic no pun intended) window manager, written in QB64

gif of it doin stuff

Due to QB64 restrictions, it does not currently support X/Wayland/etc. However, I do intend to make a thing that can interface to programs using QB64's TCP functionality, but that would be in the far future. As it stands now, it's merely a proof-of-concept, and not practical by any means.

If you want to contribute, I will happily allow it. I don't have alot of time on my hands, and this isn't exactly a high priority for me, so any contibutions will be appreciated.


Simply open wm.bas in the QB64 IDE, and press F5 to compile and run!

back.png is the background, and image.jpg is the image displayed on the "Test" window. You can change these out with whatever you want.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the rights to these images. They're simply placeholders for now.

Controls are:

  • Click and drag to move a window,
  • click a window's titlebar to get it's focus,
  • right click and drag to resize,
  • when the log window is in focus, pressing Shift+= spawns a new window,
  • pressing Space while left-clicking the title bar opens a context menu, that when clicked, closes the selected window, and
  • the "Text editor" window is a simple text editor, as the name implies.


It requires using at least version 1.4 of QB64 to compile, because $NOPREFIX is not available in versions earlier than that.