
adapation of https://github.com/JoeyDeVries/LearnOpenGL

Primary LanguageC++

Learn OpenGL

This repository implements the Learn OpenGL Tutorials.

The main motivation for this repo is to learn by doing.

This repository differ's from the website author's LearnOpenGl repository in the following ways:

  • use of some modern c++ idioms (eg: lambda's)
  • simpler cmake configuration
  • vcpkg compatibility
  • flatter directory structure
  • auto-formatting as described in .clang-format
  • linting as described in .clang-tidy


The project build with cmake using typical build commands like the following:

cmake -S . -B build --preset vcpkg-win -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON
cmake --build build

As a convenience, presets called vcpkg and vcpkg-clang are provided which obtains and builds dependencies on windows using vcpkg. In order to use one, VCPKG_ROOT needs to be set. One way to do this is to create a CMakeUserPresets.json file with contents analogous to this:

    "version": 3,
    "configurePresets": [
            "name": "default",
            "inherits": "vcpkg-clang",
            "generator": "Ninja",
            "environment": {
                "VCPKG_ROOT": "C:/Users/$env{UserName}/r/vcpkg"

Then you can run

cmake -S . -B build --preset default -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON
cmake --build build

The build has been tested on the following platforms:

  • Windows 10 with Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022 and the powershell developer command prompt. The build will not locate tools correctly from a standard powershell instance.[1]
  • Ubuntu 23.10 with clang/ninja Alternate presets could be created to support other platforms, shells, and dependency-management methods.


You can run from any location, so long as the source repo hasn't been moved (the repo root is used to resolve location of assets and shaders).


cd build

To run all from a ninja-based build on windows, run:

foreach ($f in Get-ChildItem build -Filter *.exe ) { . $f; }


Let the compiler worry about formatting and style. After building:

cmake --build build --target lint-all

This will invoke clang-format and clang-tidy for all source files.

Note that if using the MSVC cl.exe compiler, some commandline flags may be incorrect for clang-tidy, which may trigger spurious errors. When clang is used, build/compile_commands.json will be populated with command-line flags that clang-tidy can leverage.

[1] This can cause problems if, eg, your editor/ide (eg: vscode) does not have the dev command prompt environment variables set. One workaround is to spawn your editor from a dev command prompt.