
When you leave a GitHub organisation and want to make sure to keep your contributions

Primary LanguagePython

Leave Org Keep Contributions

When you are about to leave an organisation and you want to keep your contributions, there's a bunch of things you'll have to do to before leaving so that you can keep all of your green squares in your contribution graph.


If organisation repository is public:

  • Repository must be starred

If organisation repository is private:

  • Repository must be starred
  • You must be the author of an issue or a pr in the repo

How do I find all of my contributions in my org?

I was wondering the same thing, and wanted to make sure that I won't forget something. So I put together this script that checks all repositories that you can access in a given organisation, and checks if you've contributed, if you've opened issues and if you've created pull requests. I put this together super quickly, so that it gets the job done. If you'd like to clean it up and or improve it, please open an issue or pr!

To run the script, get a classic personal access token (the graphql api required a classic token) and export it as GH_TOKEN or provide it via the command line argument --token or store it to a file and use --token-file.

So let's assume your github username is myuser and you're leaving the myorg organisation. Then run:

python keep-contributions.py --token '<your PAT token>' myorg myuser --scan

Dependent on how big the organisation is this will take a while. But don't worry: This entire script has not been optimized at all and runs slow enough that you won't run into rate-limiting issues 😃 The output will look somewhat like this:

ContributionInfo(name='myorg/somerepo', is_private=False, user='ap--', has_commits=True, is_starred=False, is_issue_author=True, is_pr_author=False)
ContributionInfo(name='myorg/another-repo', is_private=True, user='ap--', has_commits=True, is_starred=False, is_issue_author=False, is_pr_author=False)
ContributionInfo(name='myorg/one-more-repo', is_private=True, user='ap--', has_commits=True, is_starred=True, is_issue_author=False, is_pr_author=True)

Once it's finished you can run the same command without --scan

python keep-contributions.py --token '<your PAT token>' myorg myuser

And it'll display the required information about all repositories that you have contributed to.

# STATUS private commits stars issue prs repository
 WARN    .       .       !!    .     !!  myorg/somerepo
 WARN    !!      .       !!    !!    !!  myorg/another-repo
         !!      .       .     !!    .   myorg/one-more-repo

If repositories you contributed to don't meet the requirements for your contributions to be counted after leaving, the script will show a warning.



Let me know if this was useful to you, by starring this repo, and let me know if there's any mistakes, or if this needs to be updated!