
C seabreeze doesn't report firmware version

bensoloway opened this issue · 1 comments

spectrometer and system information

  • model: HR2000ES+
  • operating system: i.e. Ubuntu 22 64bit
  • python version: 3.10.6
  • python-seabreeze version: 2.0.3
  • installed-via: pip

current problem

I can't get the firmware version

steps to reproduce

Open console and start python. Run the following commands
import seabreeze.spectrometers as sb
spec = sb.Spectrometer.from_serial_number()

Find that spec.features['revision'] is an empty list.

Gives error list index is out of range

ap-- commented

Hi @bensoloway

That means, cseabreeze currently has no support for the HR2000ES+ firmware feature.
If you're interested in adding support for this, let me know. I can probably provide some guidance.

Andreas 😃