
Play is an API that allows users to search for songs and add them to a list of favorites.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Website: https://play-rhap.herokuapp.com/
Agile Project Board: https://github.com/rhantak/play/projects/1

Play is an API that allows users to search for songs and add them to a list of favorites. Once added, favorites are searchable by ID or as a list of all favorites.

Initial Setup

  • Clone down this repo and cd into its main directory
  • Run npm install to install all dependencies
  • Create databases for development and testing by running the following commands:
  • Run knex migrate:latest to set up your development database
  • Run knex migrate:latest --env test before running any tests to set up the test database

How To Run Tests

The test suite can be run with the following command: npm test

How To Use

  • All request URLs should begin with https://play-rhap.herokuapp.com/api/v1
GET /favorites

Sends a list of all favorites in the database.

Example request: GET /api/v1/favorites (no params or body required)

Example success response:

{ data:
      "id": 1,
      "title": "We Will Rock You",
      "artistName": "Queen"
      "genre": "Rock",
      "rating": 88
      "id": 2,
      "title": "Careless Whisper",
      "artistName": "George Michael"
      "genre": "Pop",
      "rating": 93
GET /favorites/:id

Selects and returns a favorite by id from the database. id is a positive integer

Example request: GET /api/v1/favorites/1

Example success response:

status: 200
    "id": 1,
    "title": "We Will Rock You",
    "artistName": "Queen"
    "genre": "Rock",
    "rating": 88
POST /favorites

Creates a favorite in the database.

Required body of request:

  • JSON format
  • title and artistName attributes required

Example request:

POST  /api/v1/favorites
{ title: "We Will Rock You", artistName: "Queen" }

Example success response:

status 201
  "id": 1,
  "title": "We Will Rock You",
  "artistName": "Queen"
  "genre": "Rock",
  "rating": 88
DELETE /favorites/:id

Deletes a favorite by id from the database. :id must be a positive integer.

Example request: DELETE /api/v1/favorites/1

Example success response:

status: 204
GET /playlists

Sends a list of all favorites in the database.

Example request: GET /api/v1/playlists (no params or body required)

Example success response:

  data: [
            "id": 1,
            "title": "Cleaning House",
            "songCount": 2,
            "songAvgRating": 27.5,
            "favorites": [
                              "id": 1,
                              "title": "We Will Rock You",
                              "artistName": "Queen"
                              "genre": "Rock",
                              "rating": 25
                              "id": 4,
                              "title": "Back In Black",
                              "artistName": "AC/DC"
                              "genre": "Rock",
                              "rating": 30
            "createdAt": 2019-11-26T16:03:43+00:00,
            "updatedAt": 2019-11-26T16:03:43+00:00
            "id": 2,
            "title": "Running Mix",
            "songCount": 0,
            "songAvgRating": 0,
            "favorites": []
            "createdAt": 2019-11-26T16:03:43+00:00,
            "updatedAt": 2019-11-26T16:03:43+00:00
POST /playlists

Creates a playlist in the database.

Required body of request:

  • JSON format
  • title attribute required

Example success response:

status: 201

  "id": 1,
  "title": "Cleaning House",
  "createdAt": 2019-11-26T16:03:43+00:00,
  "updatedAt": 2019-11-26T16:03:43+00:00,
PUT /playlists/:id

Updates a playlist in the database by id.

Required body of request:

  • JSON format
  • title attribute required

Example request:

PUT /api/v1/playlists/3
  "title": "Morning Jams"

Example success response:

status: 200

  "id": 3,
  "title": "Morning Jams",
  "createdAt": 2019-11-26T16:03:43+00:00,
  "updatedAt": 2019-11-26T16:03:43+00:00
DELETE /playlists/:id

Deletes a playlist by id from the database. :id must be a positive integer.

Example request: DELETE /api/v1/playlists/1

Example success response:

status: 204
POST /playlists/:playlist_id/favorites/:favorite_id

Adds a favorite to a playlist

Example request: POST /api/v1/playlists/1/favorites/1

Example success response:

status: 201

  "Success": "We Will Rock You has been added to Cleaning House!"
DELETE /playlists/:playlist_id/favorites/:favorite_id

Deletes a favorite from a playlist.

Example request: DELETE /playlists/3/favorites/42

Example Success response:

Status: 204
GET /playlists/:playlist_id/favorites

Sends information about a specific playlist, including the favorites in the playlist.

Example request: GET https://play-rhap.herokuapp.com/api/v1/playlists/1/favorites

Example response:

status: 200
  "id": 1,
  "title": "Cleaning House",
  "songCount": 2,
  "songAvgRating": 27.5,
  "favorites" : [
                    "id": 1,
                    "title": "We Will Rock You",
                    "artistName": "Queen"
                    "genre": "Rock",
                    "rating": 25
                    "id": 4,
                    "title": "Back In Black",
                    "artistName": "AC/DC"
                    "genre": "Rock",
                    "rating": 30
    "createdAt": 2019-11-26T16:03:43+00:00,
    "updatedAt": 2019-11-26T16:03:43+00:00

Schema Design


Tech Stack List

  • PostgreSQL (database)
  • Node.JS (Main language)
  • Express (Backend framework)
  • Knex (ORM)
  • Jest (Testing)
  • jest-fetch-mock (Mocking API responses in tests)

Core Contributors