This project is intended to discover new ideas and libraries that could help in future builds.
- Authentication
- Background Processing with Android Priority Job Queue
- Debugging/Logging
- Timber
- logger looks nice
- hugo for debugging
- LoggingInterceptor to log JSON data nice
- LeakCanary
- Dependency Injection
- Crash reporting
- HTTP Request handling
- Retrofit2
- Moshi
- Retrofit2
- ImageLoading
- Payment Processing
- Stripe
- Credit Card scanning
- Testing
- Testing Support Library
- Espresso
- Android JUnit Runner
- JUnit4 Rules
- UI Automator
- Samples
- DataBinding
- Functional Reactive stuff?
- Persistence
- Room from Android Architecture Components
- Services?
- Camera2
- Transitions
- NFC Capabilities
UI Libraries Material Overview
- SwipeRefreshLayout
- FABs
- Snackbars
- Endless Scrolling
- ConstraintLayout
- RecyclerView
- CardView
- Splash Screen
- Home Screen (KeyChain)
- KeyScan Detail
- Rename
- Delete
- Share
- Purchase
- Find at Kiosk
- Login / Register
- Google Sign In
- Google Smart Lock
- Facebook Login
- Camera
- Profile
- Change password
- Delete Account
- Delete Fingerprint
- Add/Delete Payment Method
- Map
- Style Catalog
- Style Detail
- Shopping Cart
- Checkout Process
- Empty / Loading States
- Notifications
- About KeyMe
- Accepting Key Shares
- Contact Customer Support
- A concrete color palette with only a few colors.
- Bottom Navigation
- New image assets for keys
- 9 patch images
- VectorDrawables
- Consistent icons, preferably native to the platform.
- Animation
- Architecture Components (still in Alpha)
- LifeCycle
- LiveData
- ViewModel
- Room
- Database
- Entity
- DAO (Data Access Object)
- Google example Github app
- Yigit talk on it
- Kotlin Support
- Rebound (by facebook)
- Epoxy (by Airbnb)
- Lottie for Android