- 4
[Feature Request]: Replace snappy with other `crc32c ` packages for tfrecordio
#34226 opened by liferoad - 1
[Feature Request]: VertexAIImageEmbeddings adding the ability to send in contextual text too
#34236 opened by weifonghsia - 9
- 2
[Bug]: Long running DoFn.Setup methods lead to job failure in Dataflow Java legacy runner.
#34206 opened by baeminbo - 1
[Feature Request]: [IcebergIO] Allow users to pass table properties to be set when creating a table
#34116 opened by ahmedabu98 - 1
[Failing Test]:
#34174 opened by Naireen - 3
[Bug]: cassandraIO ReadAll does not let a pipeline handle or retry exceptions
#34160 opened by VardhanThigle - 10
[Bug]: Cross-language JDBC (MSSQL) - incorrect negative Integer type conversion
#34089 opened by mataralhawiti - 0
[Bug]: Python Unit Tests are flaky on windows
#34221 opened by liferoad - 2
[Task]: Add Python AfterSynchronizedProcessingTime trigger and add an Iceberg CDC streaming read test
#34212 opened by ahmedabu98 - 1
The PostCommit Java PVR Spark3 Streaming job is flaky
#34207 opened by github-actions - 1
- 0
Performance Regression or Improvement: sideinpts_python_batch_10gb_1kb_10workers_1000window_first_iterable:runtime
#34198 opened by github-actions - 4
[Bug]: `` ignores `num_shards` argument.
#34188 opened by ganesh4991 - 0
[Feature Request]: Unify metrics that are to be aggregated on google worker and on the portable runner
#34195 opened by Naireen - 0
Performance Regression or Improvement: cogbk_python_batch_load_test_reiterate_4times_2MB_values:runtime
#34187 opened by github-actions - 1
[Failing Test]:
#34173 opened by Naireen - 1
- 0
[Failing Test]: org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.RedistributeTest.testRedistributeAfterFixedWindows
#34172 opened by Naireen - 0
- 8
- 0
[Failing Test]: org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.worker.streaming.harness.FanOutStreamingEngineWorkerHarnessTest.testOnNewWorkerMetadata_redistributesBudget
#34171 opened by Naireen - 2
[Bug]: Provisioning runners fails
#34176 opened by damccorm - 0
[Feature Request]: Upgrade to Iceberg >1.7.0 and support timestamp nano types
#34098 opened by ahmedabu98 - 4
[Bug]: gprcio limitation to < 1.66 in Python is problematic
#34081 opened by potiuk - 4
- 4
[Feature Request]: [IcebergIO] Allow users to specify a partition spec when creating tables
#34117 opened by ahmedabu98 - 2
[Feature Request]: Add ClickHouse Resource Manager for Integration Tests
#34159 opened by BentsiLeviav - 0
[Feature Request]: Add InsertRetryPolicy for non-successful BigQuery insertAll responses.
#34154 opened by baeminbo - 0
[Feature Request]: Properly incorporate bulk multimap side input reads into caching.
#34149 opened by robertwb - 0
Performance Regression or Improvement: pytorch_image_classification_benchmarks-resnet152-mean_inference_batch_latency_micro_secs:mean_inference_batch_latency_micro_secs
#34108 opened by github-actions - 0
Performance Regression or Improvement: gbk_python_batch_load_test_2gb_of_10B_records:runtime
#34129 opened by github-actions - 0
Performance Regression or Improvement: gbk_python_batch_load_test_2gb_of_100B_records:runtime
#34130 opened by github-actions - 0
Performance Regression or Improvement: test_cloudml_benchmark_criteo_10GB-runtime_sec:runtime_sec
#34138 opened by github-actions - 0
Performance Regression or Improvement: gbk_python_batch_load_test_fanout_8_times_with_2GB_10byte_records_total:runtime
#34143 opened by github-actions - 0
Performance Regression or Improvement: cogbk_python_batch_load_test_reiterate_4times_2MB_values:runtime
#34110 opened by github-actions - 0
Performance Regression or Improvement: cogbk_python_batch_load_test_reiterate_4times_10KB_values:runtime
#34131 opened by github-actions - 0
Performance Regression or Improvement: combine_python_batch_2gb_10_byte_records:runtime
#34139 opened by github-actions - 0
Performance Regression or Improvement: cogbk_python_batch_load_test_2GB_of_100B_records_with_a_multiple_key:runtime
#34109 opened by github-actions - 1
The PostCommit Java ValidatesRunner Spark job is flaky
#34124 opened by github-actions - 1
- 1
The PostCommit Java Examples Spark job is flaky
#34125 opened by github-actions - 2
[Bug]: BigQueryIO - unknown repeated fields are merged incorrectly to payload
#34145 opened by stankiewicz - 0
[Task]: Speed up Docker Push Steps
#34084 opened by damccorm - 1
- 0
[Bug]: Fix JdbcIO Thread contention
#34120 opened by damccorm - 3
[Feature Request]: Upgrade slf4j to v2.0.17
#34107 opened by pinfrederic - 2
[Feature Request]: Cache the BigQuery table definition instead of calling tables.get() from every worker
#34076 opened by PraveenAkunuru - 1
[Feature Request]: Request to use BASIC enum when calling tables.get() in BigQuery
#34075 opened by PraveenAkunuru - 0
Performance Regression or Improvement: test_cloudml_benchmark_cirteo_no_shuffle_10GB-runtime_sec:runtime_sec
#34093 opened by github-actions