
在goClient调用javaserver的时候,会遇到java server获取到的请求的入参为空的情况。

zhushengjun-it opened this issue · 2 comments

What happened:
go 1.15

  require (
    dubbo.apache.org/dubbo-go/v3 v3.0.0-rc4-1.0.20211116041552-b90089d8b8a3
    github.com/apache/dubbo-go-hessian2 v1.9.3

What you expected to happen:
go client调用javaserver时,javaserver获取到的接口的入参为空的情况。
How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

     public class BaseTestRpcBO implements Serializable {

             private LigoLastMsgInfo ligoLastMsgInfo;

             private long testId;

             private String testContent;

             private Map<String, String> testMap;

             protected Set<String> testSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();

             private Date testDateTime;


             public class LigoLastMsgInfo implements Serializable {

                 private static final long serialVersionUID = -1295732691903413324L;

                 private long messageId;

                 private String text;

                 private Date messageTime;

go client:

func main() {
err := config.Load()
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("err:%v", err))
	logger.Errorf("init load config error:%v", err)
textMessage := text.BaseTestRpcBO{}
textMessage.LigoLastMsg = new(text.LigoLastMsgInfo)
textMessage.LigoLastMsg.Text = "123123123"
textMessage.LigoLastMsg.MessageId = 23213
t := time.Now()
textMessage.ExtendContent = "123321"
textMessage.TestDateTime = &t
resp, errGet := model.TxtProvider.TestRpcApiV2(context.Background(), "vgroup test content", 11223344, textMessage)
if errGet != nil {
	logger.Errorf("response error:%v", errGet)
logger.Infof("resp:%v", resp)

go model:

func InitTestRpcBo() {
  // ------for hessian2------

type BaseTestRpcBO struct {
  LigoLastMsg   *LigoLastMsgInfo
  TextMap       map[string]string
  TextSet       []string
  ExtendId      int64
  ExtendContent string
  TestDateTime  *time.Time

 func (baseTestRpcbo BaseTestRpcBO) JavaClassName() string {
      return "xx.xx.xx.BaseTestRpcBO"

type TestRpcBO struct {
  ExtendId      int64
  ExtendContent string

func (testRpcBo TestRpcBO) JavaClassName() string {
  return "xx.xx.xx.TestRpcBO"

 type SecondTestRpcBO struct {
  SecondId      int32
  SecondContent string

func (secondTestRpcBo SecondTestRpcBO) JavaClassName() string {
return "xx.xx.xx.secondTestRpcBO"

type LigoLastMsgInfo struct {
  MessageId   int32
  Text        string
  MessageTime time.Time

 func (ligoLastMsgInfo LigoLastMsgInfo) JavaClassName() string {
    return "xx.xx.xx.LigoLastMsgInfo"


      type ChatSystemApi struct {
  // dubbo标签,用于适配go侧客户端大写方法名 -> java侧小写方法名,只有 dubbo 协议客户端才需要使用
            SendMessage  func(ctx context.Context, from int64, message message.Message) (*CommResp, error)                                `dubbo:"sendMessage"`
            TestRpcApi   func(ctx context.Context, testContent string, testId int64, message message.Message) (*CommResp, error)          `dubbo:"testRpcApi"`
            TestRpcApiV2 func(ctx context.Context, testContent string, testId int64, baseTestRpcBO text.BaseTestRpcBO) (*CommResp, error) `dubbo:"testRpcApiV2"`


      var (
          TxtProvider *ChatSystemApi

      func ProviderInit() {
          TxtProvider = &ChatSystemApi{}
          //	注册客户端存根类到框架,实例化客户端接口指针

      func (msg ChatSystemApi) JavaClassName() string {
          return "xx.xx.xx.ChatSystemApi"

Anything else we need to know?:

@zhushengjun-it have u try the hessian2 v1.9.5?

@zhushengjun-it have u try the hessian2 v1.9.5?

upgrade hessian2 to v1.9.5, no change in results