caucho hessian2 implementation in Go for [apache/dubbo-go](https://github.com/apache/dubbo-go) which is compatible with [dubbo-hessian-lite](https://github.com/apache/dubbo-hessian-lite)
- 3
After a few days, slowly memory leak
#373 opened by xiaominger535 - 1
Decode from tcp stream
#372 opened by evanzhang87 - 0
Feature: 新增对jdk17、jdk21的新类型的支持
#371 opened by cvictory - 0
nil encoding not correct
#369 opened by tiltwind - 8
hessian 解参panic
#367 opened by zonghaishang - 2
- 3
type transfer error
#363 opened by finefuture - 3
单测里面使用 log.Fatal 会使得单测直接通过
#360 opened by alpha-baby - 1
decode Integer -> *int32 报错
#358 opened by alpha-baby - 0
两个Map结构不同但值为nil时,decode will panic
#356 opened by KellendF - 2
when a struct has more than one kind of empty slice whose type is pointer ,decode will panic
#340 opened by qunxu - 2
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#348 opened by Penglq - 5
java.lang.Long 是Java特定语言类型对象,对应的Go怎么传参
#344 opened by mengccmumu - 3
Support java wrapper types
#349 opened by tiltwind - 2
Map嵌套Map遇到illegal class index @idx 1
#351 opened by StonyShi - 3
- 3
#277 opened by 63isOK - 4
怎样友好的兼容 java 中的集合类
#343 opened by alpha-baby - 0
update the readme
#342 opened by AlexStocks - 0
#325 opened by shenchao861129 - 2
different field with same pointer type under the same structure deserialization exception
#323 opened by CarsarSky - 1
dubbo Java-Client 调用 Go-Server 接口时,获取的对象一直为null
#321 opened by 777888tp - 1
Lost Java Map Class Name
#319 opened by zhengzepeng - 2
nil slice decode to empty slice
#317 opened by mark4z - 5
- 1
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dubboVersion为"2.8.4a" 可以使用该库解析吗?
#311 opened by miracle-xiang - 2
dubbo-java 调用 dubbo-go方法,如果方法返回值为 基本类型,java侧无法解析
#291 opened by luky116 - 2
Decode 阶段,'B' (byte) 标会被解析为 int32
#310 opened by LaurenceLiZhixin - 0
希望hessian库提供一个接口,可以将[]byte 和 map 结构互转。
#308 opened by LaurenceLiZhixin - 1
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Java ReferenceConfig方式调用 dubbogo 方法,负责的结构体解析不了
#301 opened by xfstart07 - 5
#299 opened by alpha-baby - 0
#293 opened by zhushengjun-it - 2
#294 opened by luky116 - 2
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形如Page{List<T> data;},T=UserVo, UserVo{User user;}的多层嵌套结构,在序列化时,UserVo被序列化为HashMap
#262 opened by Euraxluo - 0
Repeat registration of pojo
#286 opened by binbin0325 - 1
support serialize UUID to string
#268 opened by wongoo - 7
golang 作为 provider 返回范型类型时 java consumer 解析应答数据报错
#284 opened by marsmay - 5
#257 opened by wssjdi - 5
encode *string type error
#282 opened by alpha-baby - 0
go interface decode failed when encounter a generic list object return from java
#270 opened by wangzeping722 - 5
json string decode 数据有误
#272 opened by SocketNet - 5
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There is a vulnerability in jetty 9.4.16.v20190411 ,upgrade recommended
#267 opened by QiAnXinCodeSafe - 0
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#259 opened by wenxuwan - 6
String encoding and decoding
#253 opened by lujjjh