- 3
[Bug] Consumer reconnects every 3 mins
#15044 opened by KeroZhai - 2
[Bug] server reflection error
#15108 opened by nfw999 - 1
[Feature] Hope hessian2 protocol supports immutableMap!😫
#15165 opened by qpwlkq - 5
[Bug] Build and Test Scheduled On 3.3 might be always failed since 'feat: remove useless dependency(#15125)'
#15160 opened by zrlw - 7
[Feature] Hope that 'dubbo-spring-boot-starter' supports springboot's 'spring.threads.virtual.enabled' Virtual thread switch
#15158 opened by JavaLionLi - 2
[Bug] The Dubbo Redis metadata plugin code expiration time is set incorrectly
#15138 opened by JavaLionLi - 4
- 9
- 1
[Bug] NPE at HttpMetadataAdapter.headers
#15144 opened by zrlw - 3
- 10
[Feature] spring5.3.39 cannot start in springboot3.2.5
#15041 opened by L1yp - 1
[Bug] autoregister before service application startup
#15133 opened by CentMeng - 3
[Bug] Deserialization Exceptions: Method threw 'java.lang.StackOverflowError' exception. Cannot evaluate site.zlin.dubbo.model.Squad.toString()
#15124 opened by zhenglin523 - 8
[Bug] dubbo3.3.0 + zookeeper consumer local service list cache refresh failure?
#15091 opened by skotty-open - 6
[Feature] add spring cloud spi
#15059 opened by songxiaosheng - 11
[Bug] some clients might always encounter the RpcException with 'No provider available from registry' if restarting all clients and servers which register-mode are interface
#15107 opened by zrlw - 0
[Bug] Triple protocol echo test failed due to an error.
#15128 opened by wuwen5 - 2
[Bug] BearerTokenAuthentication is not in the allowlist
#15123 opened by wzkris - 6
- 1
[Feature] move org.apache.dubbo.config.annotation to dubbo-config-spring
#15090 opened by ShenFeng312 - 1
[Bug] dubbo2.7.7 output info when docode lose
#15088 opened by nulinuli-nuli - 2
[Bug] 使用triple协议, 概率性的偶发 Invoke remote method timeout.
#15111 opened by hosen-lhs - 2
[Bug] dubbo is used with nacos, but there is always “No provider available from registry error”
#15040 opened by 17998384 - 3
[Bug] Dubbo 3.3.3 Call-Chain of Skywalking not correct
#15096 opened by ldcsaa - 2
[Q/A][Java SDK (Component)] Dubbo 3.x is not compatible with Spring Boot 2.1.x
#15106 opened by marmot-z - 1
[Bug] The service enters an infinite loop of metadata cache cleanup under frequent registration.
#15087 opened by QingJuBaiTang - 3
[Bug] proto use option java_multiple_files = false;
#15010 opened by freedom0123 - 0
- 2
- 0
[Feature] [Dubbo-python] Optimize Documents
#15092 opened by cnzakii - 3
[Bug] dubbo 3.3.2 can not set extra metadata
#15045 opened by luger1990 - 2
[Bug] An instance of the subclass of RegistryConfig should be added to configsCache as the RegistryConfig class type
#15016 opened by youjie23 - 0
[Feature] [Dubbo-python] Project standardization
#15063 opened by cnzakii - 1
[Q/A][Java SDK (Component)] Configured in XML mode, native-image fails to start after generation
#15067 opened by Hard-programmers - 0
[Q/A][Java SDK (Component)] Configured in XML mode, native-image fails to start after generation
#15068 opened by Hard-programmers - 4
[Bug] the dubbo-observability-spring-boot-starter will cause /actuator loss info
#15050 opened by luger1990 - 9
- 1
[Bug] Invoker not found.
#15047 opened by L1yp - 1
- 2
[Bug] Symptom: A single machine occasionally a large area of dubbo call timeout, only one machine a problem, for a few seconds, too late to view the thread blocking information, the problem passed, after the past all indicators are normal, the problem occurred within the time of cpu and memory and disk indicators are normal, traffic is not high. The Dubbo provider service uses jdk 11 and the garbage collector is G1. The log shows that the request has entered the dubbo provider service, but the next step is performed 3 seconds later. No log is found during these 3 seconds. safepoint shows that no exception is found and there are many biased locks
#15043 opened by yangshaotuo - 1
- 2
[Bug] HttpResponse can not to return customized header only for content type or something when using triple protocal
#15042 opened by z1137557736 - 0
[Feature] Add a configuration to determine whether to enable the point-to-point network interface
#15031 opened by finefuture - 3
- 1
- 1
[Bug] traceId not found in my log
#15011 opened by C-L-STARK - 3
- 3
#15021 opened by XcLyyds00176859245146532 - 1
[Bug] SerializeSecurityConfigurator serialize-check-status must by uppercase
#15022 opened by niuhutao - 3
Dubbo 2.7.22 No provider,重新触发通知后又正常
#15004 opened by kangzhaok