- 1
Frequent ZK session ID mismatches after GC leading to Helix messages treated as no-op
#2951 opened by dang-stripe - 20
[Failed CI Test] testEvacuateWithDisabledPartition(org.apache.helix.integration.rebalancer.TestInstanceOperation)
#2906 opened by github-actions - 2
[Failed CI Test] simpleMasterSlaveTest(org.apache.helix.controller.rebalancer.TestAutoRebalanceStrategy)
#2927 opened by github-actions - 13
[Failed CI Test] testSwapEvacuateAdd(org.apache.helix.integration.rebalancer.TestInstanceOperation)
#2827 opened by github-actions - 3
[Failed CI Test] testTopologyMigrationByResourceGroup(org.apache.helix.integration.controller.TestTopologyMigration)
#2945 opened by github-actions - 0
Controller endlessly creates BEST_POSSIBLE znodes during WAGED migration
#2949 opened by GrantPSpencer - 1
[Failed CI Test] testThresholdFailure(org.apache.helix.integration.task.TestIndependentTaskRebalancer)
#2946 opened by github-actions - 5
[Failed CI Test] testEvacuationWithOfflineInstancesInCluster(org.apache.helix.integration.rebalancer.TestInstanceOperation)
#2865 opened by github-actions - 1
BestPossibleExternalViewVerifier Fails to Accurately Verify WAGED Resources Due to Incomplete Cluster State Consideration
#2938 opened by MarkGaox - 3
[Failed CI Test] testBatchMessageThreadPoolSize(org.apache.helix.messaging.handling.TestResourceThreadpoolSize)
#2884 opened by github-actions - 2
[Failed CI Test] testGCScheduler(org.apache.helix.manager.zk.TestZkBucketDataAccessor)
#2937 opened by github-actions - 0
Excessive hard constraint logging statement
#2940 opened by GrantPSpencer - 1
Pinot Controller leader re-election not triggered
#2915 opened by cypherean - 5
[Failed CI Test] testExists(
#2929 opened by github-actions - 6
Accessing HelixManager ExecutorService
#2849 opened by 9aman - 3
[Failed CI Test] testNodeSwapWithSwapOutInstanceOffline(org.apache.helix.integration.rebalancer.TestInstanceOperation)
#2874 opened by github-actions - 0
WAGED NPE occurs when new resource is added while the cluster requires rebalance overwrite
#2909 opened by GrantPSpencer - 0
Support aggregated customized stoppable check
#2918 opened by MarkGaox - 10
[Failed CI Test] testMultipleWrites(org.apache.helix.manager.zk.TestZkBucketDataAccessor)
#2925 opened by github-actions - 0
Improve performance of querying instance configs when new participant joins cluster
#2928 opened by GrantPSpencer - 2
[Failed CI Test] testDistributedController(org.apache.helix.integration.manager.TestConsecutiveZkSessionExpiry)
#2882 opened by github-actions - 0
Support for ZKRoutingDataWriter to forward write requests as HTTPS as part of MetadataStoreRouting
#2921 opened by GrantPSpencer - 7
[Failed CI Test] testComputePartitionAssignment(
#2901 opened by github-actions - 7
[Failed CI Test] testComputePartitionAssignmentMaintenanceMode(
#2902 opened by github-actions - 0
AutoRebalanceStrategy generate empty IdealState
#2876 opened by MarkGaox - 2
[Failed CI Test] testDisconnectWhenConnectionBreak(org.apache.helix.integration.TestZkConnectionLost)
#2837 opened by github-actions - 2
[Failed CI Test] testSessionExpiryInTransition(org.apache.helix.integration.manager.TestParticipantManager)
#2831 opened by github-actions - 0
Request - Make batch instances stoppable request work for clusters without topology setup
#2893 opened by GrantPSpencer - 0
Controller can violate fault zone placement constraints during intermediate state
#2885 opened by GrantPSpencer - 0
New Assignment / Rebalancer
#2822 opened by junkaixue - 0
WagedInstanceCapacity Null Pointer Exception due to stale _instanceCapacityMap
#2891 opened by GrantPSpencer - 7
[Failed CI Test] testGetAllInstances(
#2836 opened by github-actions - 0
- 1
[Failed CI Test] testComplexParentListenerPuppy(org.apache.helix.metaclient.impl.zk.TestMultiThreadStressTest.TestMultiThreadStressZKClient)
#2858 opened by github-actions - 1
[Failed CI Test] testUpdatePuppy(org.apache.helix.metaclient.impl.zk.TestMultiThreadStressTest.TestMultiThreadStressZKClient)
#2864 opened by github-actions - 1
[Failed CI Test] testSetPuppy(org.apache.helix.metaclient.impl.zk.TestMultiThreadStressTest.TestMultiThreadStressZKClient)
#2863 opened by github-actions - 1
[Failed CI Test] testGetPuppy(org.apache.helix.metaclient.impl.zk.TestMultiThreadStressTest.TestMultiThreadStressZKClient)
#2862 opened by github-actions - 1
[Failed CI Test] testDeletePuppy(org.apache.helix.metaclient.impl.zk.TestMultiThreadStressTest.TestMultiThreadStressZKClient)
#2861 opened by github-actions - 1
[Failed CI Test] testCrudPuppies(org.apache.helix.metaclient.impl.zk.TestMultiThreadStressTest.TestMultiThreadStressZKClient)
#2860 opened by github-actions - 1
[Failed CI Test] testCreatePuppy(org.apache.helix.metaclient.impl.zk.TestMultiThreadStressTest.TestMultiThreadStressZKClient)
#2859 opened by github-actions - 1
[Failed CI Test] testLostZkConnection(org.apache.helix.integration.TestZkConnectionLost)
#2852 opened by github-actions - 1
Apache Pinot facing issues with Helix version 1.4.0
#2850 opened by abhioncbr - 7
[Failed CI Test] testGetMessagesByStateModelDef(
#2838 opened by github-actions - 4
[Failed CI Test] testGetAllMessages(
#2839 opened by github-actions - 0
Fix packaging of missing resources in JDK 1.8 (backward compatibile) helix jars
#2832 opened by himanshukandwal - 0
Enable logging detailed and specific error message for WAGED Rebalance failures
#2828 opened by himanshukandwal - 0
Correctness testing
#2823 opened by junkaixue - 0
Scale testing
#2824 opened by junkaixue - 0
Helix Gateway Service
#2821 opened by junkaixue - 2
Support user-defined TaskAssignmentCalculator
#2830 opened by AlecHenx