- 5
[SUPPORT] Hoodie Custom Merge Paylod results in UnsupportedOperationException
#12571 opened by dataproblems - 0
[SUPPORT] Hudi write taking more time for one partition in AWS glue occasionally
#12685 opened by logesr - 7
[SUPPORT]Unable to read new data in streaming mode with specific timestamp
#12661 opened by xiearthur - 0
[SUPPORT] running 0.15hudi Windows environment
#12682 opened by liujinhui1994 - 5
[SUPPORT]I can see the Hudi table and data in spark-shell, but in Hive, the table is visible, yet no data can be queried.
#12673 opened by TigerTORA - 6
[SUPPORT] execute hivesql in hive have some exception after add new column in hudi table
#12637 opened by liucongjy - 1
[SUPPORT] Does AWS Redshift Spectrum fully support Hudi meta table features like column stats and bloom filters?
#12674 opened by Ssv-21 - 3
[SUPPORT] 0.11 hudi upgraded to 1.0.
#12651 opened by liujinhui1994 - 2
Compaction Behavior and Incremental Data Visibility Issues in Hudi MOR Bucketed Tables
#12619 opened by lijintao-by - 11
[SUPPORT]Checkpoint Fails with Timeout while waiting for instant initialize When Migrating Data from Kudu to Hudi COW Bucketed Table
#12589 opened by pengxianzi - 2
[SUPPORT] Cannot use org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.HoodieSparkSessionExtension to configuration session extensions Caused by: ClassNotfoundException: org.apache.spark.arvo.HoodieAvroSerializer
#12633 opened by ductrieu - 0
[SUPPORT] READ_START_COMMIT with specific timestamp unable to read new data in streaming mode
#12660 opened by xiearthur - 4
FileNotFoundException when reading real-time Hudi COW table
#12634 opened by xiearthur - 3
[SUPPORT] Remote filesystem view only works on the first micro-batch in Spark Structured Streaming
#12652 opened by psendyk - 15
[SUPPORT]Downstream Fails to Read Hudi MOR Table and Write to Kudu Table When Using Bucketed Table, with Warning: reader has fallen behind too much from the writer
#12585 opened by pengxianzi - 13
[SUPPORT] Schema conflict happens when async clustering in flink job. The plan contains a parquet file written by spark.
#12561 opened by JoyJoyJo - 5
[SUPPORT] Slow commit times with Spark Structured Streaming from Kinesis to MOR Hudi table
#12412 opened by sumosha - 4
flink_sql create table and to save hive
#12553 opened by lijihuaxiaomo - 1
[SUPPORT] IndexOutOfBoundsException when running Hudi job
#12593 opened by ennox108 - 4
file does not exists while sync clustering
#12566 opened by gejinzh - 5
[SUPPORT] Queries are very memory intensive due to low read parallelism in HoodieMergeOnReadRDD
#12434 opened by mzheng-plaid - 10
[SUPPORT]The Problem facing in using Java Client Func write into hudi
#12485 opened by notAprogrammer-0 - 12
[SUPPORT] Duplicate records when delete checkpoint in Flink+Hudi table after multiple successful writes
#12523 opened by xiearthur - 2
#12573 opened by MohamedAdelHsn - 0
[SUPPORT] Hudi 1.0.0 with EMR Serverless Fails
#12574 opened by soumilshah1995 - 2
[SUPPORT] Can't read data from kafka in avro format and write them to hudi table
#12324 opened by langelloantoine - 0
[SUPPORT]Caused by: org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieIOException: Exception create input stream from file: HoodieLogFile{pathStr='hdfs://nameservice1/xxx/.00000056-15ec-459f-bb67-5f8c2b319203_20241228152030542.log.1_1-5-1', fileLen=-1}
#12554 opened by Lee-ship316 - 7
[SUPPORT] FileNotFoundException while querying HUDI table via native Spark SQL with HMS as catalog
#12477 opened by ahujaanmol1288 - 0
#12552 opened by lijihuaxiaomo - 0
#12551 opened by liujinhui1994 - 1
ارجو مساعدتي
#12547 opened by 3ZOoO6 - 1
[SUPPORT] MongoDB CDC Changes in Hudi
#12540 opened by demoaccount2015 - 2
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
#12541 opened by lijihuaxiaomo - 2
flink1.17 + hudi0.14 提交job任务 找不到类
#12538 opened by lijihuaxiaomo - 2
- 2
[SUPPORT] Alter table change column type, then query table get NullPointerException
#12267 opened by GaussEAcc - 2
Empty schema is committed when no new messages are found in kafka while using DebeziumSource
#12438 opened by ROOBALJINDAL - 5
- 11
- 9
[SUPPORT] java.util.NoSuchElementException: FileID <some-uuid> of partition path tenant=xxxxx/date=YYYYMMD
#12298 opened by hgudladona - 6
[SUPPORT]Difference in accuracy between the results fromspark and the hive
#12370 opened by suxiaogang223 - 3
[SUPPORT] Metadata compaction periodically fails/hangs
#12261 opened by liiang-huang - 1
[SUPPORT] hoodie.parquet.outputtimestamptype setting not converting to TIMESTAMP_MILLIS
#12339 opened by KendallRackley - 0
[SUPPORT] Wrong file path for commit-marker-file in Consistent-Bucket-Index layout
#12338 opened by TheR1sing3un - 2
[SUPPORT]May I ask when the next version is expected to be released? I'm really looking forward to it.
#12398 opened by MrAladdin - 4
[SUPPORT] Hoodie Insert operation failing while appending to record index log file
#12320 opened by dataproblems - 1
[SUPPORT] RetryHelper sleep with negative value and then throw IllegalArgumentException
#12315 opened by TheR1sing3un - 1
[SUPPORT] inline's clustering truncates Path up to the first comma met.
#12333 opened by serhii-donetskyi-datacubed - 3
[SUPPORT]Timeout while waiting for instant initialize
#12256 opened by gejinzh - 2
[SUPPORT] CI Test Environment Issue Blocking Multiple PRs
#12276 opened by usberkeley