Apache DevLake is an open-source dev data platform to ingest, analyze, and visualize the fragmented data from DevOps tools, extracting insights for engineering excellence, developer experience, and community growth.
Pinned issues
[Refactor][Framework] Refactor Extractors and Converters to use Generics
#3616 opened by keon94
- 1
[Bug][GitLab] Missing the notes of Merge Request
#8255 opened by usharerose - 5
[Bug][Sync Frequency] Skipping data collection when there are multiple projects with the same schedule
#8175 opened by roberioguedelho - 3
[Bug][Module Name] Bug title
#8159 opened by sashalinder - 1
- 1
[Feature][connections] connection scope configure should support select 'all'
#8172 opened by blackholll - 2
[Bug][Customize] Create new field not working
#8173 opened by sstojak1 - 3
[Question][sonar] sonar plugin can only collect a small percentage of the configured project data
#8174 opened by blackholll - 1
[Feature][Module Name] Update Project Structure
#8176 opened by Capone1983 - 1
- 2
[Feature][GitHub] Add GitHub Copilot Usage Metrics or AI Usage Data model
#8151 opened by dipakparmar - 1
Add Jira Fixversion
#8162 opened by chiiswaerch - 1
[Question][PostgreSQL] How to Configure PostgreSQL Instead of MySQL in DevLake Helm Chart?
#8252 opened by itayb-legit - 1
[Feature][Jira] Extend support for type mapping
#8251 opened by doomspork - 1
- 2
[Question][DORA] Commits before first recorded deployments misattributed to random deployment
#8249 opened by qpawelc - 8
[Question][GitHub] App Refresh Token
#8242 opened by endersonmenezes - 5
[Question][Blueprint] ScopeId field type
#8237 opened by kostas-petrakis - 5
[Question][Github] Automatically add new github repositories to data scopes
#8236 opened by nicolavolpini - 2
[Bug][GitHub] merged_date,closed_date not updated when Pull Request is reopened
#8241 opened by konck2 - 2
[Bug][/api/plugins/gitlab/connections/{connectionId}/remote-scopes] Bug title - can't get the results with page 2
#8234 opened by usst830514 - 5
[Bug][GitLab] GitLab Pagination not working again
#8187 opened by kkc-tonywu - 33
[Question][GItlab] Most GitLab Projects Not Selectable
#8181 opened by yu501954162 - 1
- 5
[Bug][API] project check url encoding
#8169 opened by jeffschaper - 2
[Bug][CircleCi] Negative workflow duration
#8229 opened by The0Danktor - 4
- 4
[Bug][Jira] Can't link issues to commits
#8231 opened by The0Danktor - 3
- 0
[Feature][UI] Azure DevOps: Select All Scopes Button
#8230 opened by GiesN - 1
[Bug][GitLab] In-progress Jobs are not getting fetched
#8227 opened by sreeji10 - 3
[Bug][Config-UI] subtask calculateChangeLeadTime unable to handle NULL values
#8217 opened by mdapke-insight - 4
[Bug][devLake config UI] GitHub PAT leaks in API
#8215 opened by oliviertassinari - 0
[Bug][Jira] start_date Field Empty in sprint Table After Upgrading DevLake from 0.21 to 1.0 with Jira Plugin
#8221 opened by narrowizard - 2
[Feature][Customize] Add Support for Incremental CSV Upload in the Customize Plugin
#8216 opened by narrowizard - 1
- 0
[Feature] Establish a standardized development environment to reduce the difficulty of setup
#8192 opened by TonyWu1995 - 3
- 6
[Bug][Jira] Data too long for column 'component' error while collecting/processing data
#8208 opened by aviwarner - 0
- 4
[Bug][opsgenie] Opsgenie plugin doesn't populate creator_id/assignee_id field in incidents table
#8207 opened by KyriosGN0 - 3
[Question][Module Name] How metrics co-related if source data comes from different platform
#8189 opened by diwangcanada - 2
- 2
[Question][Jira Connector] Is there a way to allow Apache DevLake to connect on Jira Projects instead of a Jira Boards ?
#8196 opened by danielrosa-zh - 5
- 0
- 2
[Bug][Jira] Migration script not added to register.go
#8177 opened by sstojak1 - 2
Backing up MySQL database
#8186 opened by dtwilliamsWork - 0
[Feature][Pipeline-tasks] Option to opt out completed subtasks when there is partial error in tasks
#8183 opened by anwesh-b - 2
[Question][Grafana] How to explore DevLake data and build dashboard in non-default organization of Grafana
#8160 opened by diwangcanada - 1
[Bug][config-ui] server failed to resolve - invalid UDP DNS response
#8158 opened by tobiasholzner-whiteduck