:fire: Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
Pinned issues
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feature: console add rollback info decode
#7144 opened by jsbxyyx - 2
commons-compress 1.21 has 2 CVE security issues
#7140 opened by pjfanning - 3
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xstream 1.4.20 has a CVE security issue
#7136 opened by pjfanning - 1
etcd3 grpc version mismatch
#7077 opened by switchover - 1
Oracle 19C 表结构 列字段设置不可见 会导致 二阶段回滚校验失败
#7099 opened by AdminCRUD - 0
seata 2.3.0 xa 模式 分支事务 branchType=SAGA_ANNOTATION 错误
#7126 opened by 920581171 - 1
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#7121 opened by Clash12w - 3
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#7094 opened by wxrqforever - 2
Seata 软件包下载地址错误
#7128 opened by r1ngtone - 2
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#7123 opened by pinganyisheng - 14
#7047 opened by wxrqforever - 1
#7125 opened by lindengyu - 1
support IO_uring feature
#7063 opened by funky-eyes - 2
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#7118 opened by Self-revolution - 0
- 1
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#7090 opened by wxrqforever - 6
Parameter 0 of method springFenceConfig in org.apache.seata.spring.boot.autoconfigure.SeataSpringFenceAutoConfiguration required a single bean, but 3 were found:
#7111 opened by wxrqforever - 8
No channel is available for resource[jdbc:postgresql://[ip]:[port]/db?currentSchema=public] as alternative of Service1:[ip]:[port]
#7096 opened by song-we - 1
Saga branch rollback retry in tm will cause null NullPointerException because StateMachineEngineHolder can not get getStateMachineEngine
#7108 opened by xjlgod - 1
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SeataApplicationListener does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method abstract supportsSourceType
#7105 opened by funky-eyes - 0
#7103 opened by ghl116 - 14
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项目启动报错提示:Failed to get available servers: service.vgroupMapping.default_tx_group configuration item is required
#7097 opened by ywscn - 2
#7081 opened by lbj812 - 3
bugfix: In raft mode, the service domain name is used as xid. The xid is too long and an error occurs in XA mode.
#7082 opened by PeppaO - 1
RemotingClient does not support setting a listener
#7058 opened by funky-eyes - 0
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#7087 opened by wxrqforever - 1
新版本是否支持io.seata.common.exception.NotSupportYetException: not support the sql syntax insert with query:
#7086 opened by rogerlmj123 - 4
#7078 opened by wxrqforever - 1
When the channel is empty, the request will be blocked
#7057 opened by funky-eyes - 6
AT mode don't support the dbtype: mysql
#7076 opened by zuihou - 7
seata1.6.1 store.mode:file Rollback branch transaction fail and stop retry 后面一直被holding,提示get global lock fail
#7068 opened by pjc516113732 - 3
#7056 opened by hanpijun-buhanpi - 7
获取全局锁失败,报错信息:io.seata.rm.datasource.exec.LockConflictException:get global lock fail
#7050 opened by aa13211062762 - 5
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Nacos作为注册中心和配置中心,seata-server启动并注册成功,微服务连接seata报错:org.apache.seata.config.exception.ConfigNotFoundException: service.vgroupMapping.llgroup configuration item is required
#7052 opened by wosuanle - 1
在k8s集群部署seata,一切正常,但是在物理机重启情况下,有个别微服务在整合seata时,报错vgroupMapping.seata-group configuration item is required,单独重启微服务pod就又正常了
#7041 opened by JsonLYH - 0
Seata Client mixes multiple Spring components of different versions and causes dependency conflicts
#7045 opened by linghengqian - 3
The default value of the property `client.rm.tableMetaCheckEnable` should be changed to `false` to align with the behavior of Seata Client 2.1.0 and earlier
#7042 opened by linghengqian