Pinned issues
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[Bug][Connector-V2][Assert] AssertSinkWriter supports multiple concurrent operations
#8357 opened by zhangshenghang - 0
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[Bug][Seatunnel-web] Job update API fails when tasks are added or removed
#8373 opened by arshadmohammad - 0
[Bug] [k8s_Deploy] The client submits tasks and the home directory of the cluster must be consistent??
#8371 opened by reformdai - 3
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[Bug] [zeta] The mission is stuck. It doesn't stop
#8368 opened by LeonYoah - 7
[Bug] [starrocks connector] 从mysql同步数据到starrocks,seaTunnel在starrocks中自动建的表字段没有注释
#8329 opened by zhaobbc123 - 0
mysql CDC to starRocks ,Seatunnel save_mode_create_template 在 ${rowtype_fields} 后跟 op_time 字段(DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),写数据时op_time 时为 null
#8370 opened by luyfuMinimalism - 0
[Feature][Module Name] Are there any single-machine performance comparison data for SeaTunnel and Flink CDC?
#8366 opened by ZhangKe4042602 - 4
[Feature][Mongodb]Using MongoDB for data migration,How to ensure that the data written to the target MongoDB is consistent with the original data
#8359 opened by bunenghulai - 0
#8363 opened by Laughingtt - 1
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[Bug] [Doris] 从Doris表中同步数据时datetime类型读取错误
#8352 opened by exitNA - 1
[Bug] [Setunnel-Web] 使用JDK17环境部署Setunnel-Web,在画布上运行一个Mysql到Mysql同步数据的任务,报类型不匹配错误
#8327 opened by PlanetAndMars - 0
[Bug] [Connector-V2] Bug postgres sink does not support composite primary key in jdbc mode
#8350 opened by ZhiYinZhang - 3
[Bug] [seatunnel-engine] Concurrent task execution
#8348 opened by Xuzhengz - 0
[Bug] [Rest-api] Response timeout
#8349 opened by Xuzhengz - 0
[Bug] [connector-cdc-sqlserver] SqlServer-CDC出现SSL认证问题
#8346 opened by jiezais88 - 1
[Bug] [Docker] Workflow ''push-docker" failed run with error "No space left on device"
#8337 opened by FrommyMind - 6
mysql 实时同步 msyql 出错
#8342 opened by sandea - 2
[Bug] [Connector-V2][Postgres-CDC] Duplicate records received when sinking data to RabbitMq and Console.
#8294 opened by ratadepally - 1
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mysql 同步mysql
#8344 opened by sandea - 1
[Bug] [PG JDBC] postgresql -> postgresql 错误: 未实现跨数据库关联
#8324 opened by 20100507 - 0
COMMON-08", "Sql operation failed, such as (execute,addBatch,close) etc...
#8334 opened by zichen0907 - 1
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bug mysqlcdc to mysql error
#8326 opened by sandea - 1
[Bug] [doris connector] 2.3.4版本同步doris数据到clickhouse
#8328 opened by privatewbluo - 1
Dirty data filtering function脏数据过滤功能
#8321 opened by tusiCHN - 2
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[Bug] [Source Oracle-CDC Sink Starrocks] Starrocks已经读到行了,但是读不到Oracel cdc的数据
#8290 opened by jiezais88 - 0
Job Progress Information
#8322 opened by zhenhb - 8
SeaTunnel community meeting Topic collect
#8309 opened by hailin0 - 0
[Feature]Check Chinese comments in the code
#8307 opened by zhangshenghang - 7
[Feature][JDBC source] pg不支持char类型
#8300 opened by Doooing - 0
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[Bug] [SeaTunnel Runs On Spark] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.RowEncoder.apply
#8303 opened by yinrui97 - 0
[Bug] [JDBC source] Automatic Split Chunk does not support string type primary key
#8301 opened by Doooing - 3
[Feature][K8S deploy] add helm chart
#8283 opened by liunaijie - 0
[Bug][Sink][HdfsFile] Parameters: data_save_mode and schema_save_mode do not take effect
#8289 opened by NookVoive - 0
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[Feature][Transform] Support batch mode vectorization using Amazon Titan embedding model
#8271 opened by SEZ9 - 0
[Feature][Source] During full database synchronization, there is no need to provide a list of tables
#8268 opened by NookVoive - 0
[Bug] [classloader] The client installation path must be consistent with the server installation path, otherwise the connector plugins cannot be loaded.
#8267 opened by NookVoive - 2
[Bug] [Module Name] oracle cdc同步到doris时数据丢失
#8264 opened by Ashal