Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log-like data
- a5sk4s
- abetahaGoogle
- andrewrjones@gocardless
- bmahe
- buzypiJnaapti
- decsterStarRocks
- dennyabraham@tensormap
- devilankur18Sugarcane AI
- dlobue@scalyr @Sentinel-One
- hargettpSan Francisco, CA
- huhlig@IBM
- huiwenhan
- igstanEloquentix
- isllTsingTao
- ivankorobkovBali, Indonesia
- jeffjrareCanada
- jmhsiehBigeye
- joey@splunk
- jonpierceCambridge, MA
- kornypoet@jasklabs
- little-arhat@copterust
- maliqq
- mrfliptookstock.com
- mrmichalis
- octo47London, UK
- paolodediosSeattle, WA
- patrickangelesNew York City
- praveenr019Hyderabad
- rbeGermany
- stebourbi
- tecbotFastic, BRNC
- thinker0@line
- vsumner@Shopify
- wolkenarchitektWolkenarchitekt
- xuanhan863Los Angeles, USA
- yishenggudou杭州