Apache Maven Sources

Manifest to fetch every Apache Maven git repositories using Google repo: default.xml file configures the directory structure where the different Git repositories will be put.

In addition, an aggregator build structure is provided to build everything as one aggregated build.

Bootstrapping Basics

mkdir maven
cd maven
repo init -u https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/maven-sources.git
repo sync
repo start master --all

Resulting directory tree looks like:

|-- core
|   |-- build-cache
|   |-- its
|   |-- maven
|   |-- maven-3
|   |-- mvnd
|   |-- resolver
|   |-- resolver-ant-tasks
|   `-- wrapper
|-- doxia
|   |-- doxia
|   |-- site
|   |-- sitetools
|   `-- tools
|-- misc
|   |-- archetypes
|   |-- dist-tool
|   |-- gh-actions-shared
|   |-- indexer
|   |-- jenkins
|   |-- plugin-testing
|   |-- pom
|   |   |-- apache
|   |   |-- apache-resources
|   |   `-- maven
|   |-- skins
|   |   |-- default
|   |   `-- fluido
|   `-- wagon
|-- plexus
|   |-- classworlds
|   |-- codehaus-plexus.github.io
|   |-- components
|   |   |-- archiver
|   |   |-- cipher
|   |   |-- compiler
|   |   |-- digest
|   |   |-- i18n
|   |   |-- interactivity
|   |   |-- interpolation
|   |   |-- io
|   |   |-- languages
|   |   |-- resources
|   |   |-- sec-dispatcher
|   |   |-- testing
|   |   `-- velocity
|   |-- modello
|   |-- plexus-containers
|   |-- pom
|   |-- utils
|   `-- xml
|-- plugins
|   |-- core
|   |   |-- maven-clean-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-compiler-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-deploy-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-install-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-resources-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-site-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-verifier-plugin
|   |   `-- surefire
|   |-- packaging
|   |   |-- maven-acr-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-ear-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-ejb-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-jar-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-jlink-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-jmod-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-rar-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-shade-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-source-plugin
|   |   `-- maven-war-plugin
|   |-- reporting
|   |   |-- jxr
|   |   |-- maven-changelog-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-changes-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-checkstyle-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-doap-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-javadoc-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-jdeps-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-linkcheck-plugin
|   |   |-- maven-pmd-plugin
|   |   `-- maven-project-info-reports-plugin
|   `-- tools
|       |-- archetype
|       |-- enforcer
|       |-- maven-antrun-plugin
|       |-- maven-artifact-plugin
|       |-- maven-assembly-plugin
|       |-- maven-dependency-plugin
|       |-- maven-gpg-plugin
|       |-- maven-help-plugin
|       |-- maven-invoker-plugin
|       |-- maven-jarsigner-plugin
|       |-- maven-jdeprscan-plugin
|       |-- maven-patch-plugin
|       |-- maven-pdf-plugin
|       |-- maven-remote-resources-plugin
|       |-- maven-scm-publish-plugin
|       |-- maven-scripting-plugin
|       |-- maven-stage-plugin
|       |-- maven-toolchains-plugin
|       |-- plugin-tools
|       |-- release
|       `-- scm
|-- shared
|   |-- archiver
|   |-- artifact-transfer
|   |-- common-artifact-filters
|   |-- dependency-analyzer
|   |-- dependency-tree
|   |-- file-management
|   |-- filtering
|   |-- invoker
|   |-- jarsigner
|   |-- mapping
|   |-- project-utils
|   |-- reporting-api
|   |-- reporting-exec
|   |-- reporting-impl
|   |-- script-interpreter
|   |-- shared-incremental
|   |-- shared-io
|   |-- shared-jar
|   |-- shared-resources
|   |-- shared-utils
|   `-- verifier
|-- sisu
|   `-- sisu-project
|-- site
|-- sources
|   `-- aggregator
|-- studies
`-- svn
    |-- doxia-ide
    |-- repository-tools
    `-- sandbox

Then simply use the content in this tree with normal git commands.

Building Everything

Once content is cloned with previous instructions, you can build each local clone as a separate project.

You can also build absolutely everything in one aggregated run (WARNING: more than 400 modules...):

cd sources/aggregator
mvn --fail-at-end -Prun-its verify
mvn --fail-at-end -Preporting site

Sources Overview

See Maven Sources Overview description.