Apache OpenWhisk API Gateway service for exposing actions as REST interfaces.
- alexsong93IBM
- andreasnauerzBosch Digital
- asfbot
- bdoyle0182@qualtrics
- bwmcadams@spice-labs-inc
- codymwalkerAderant
- cziegeler@adobe
- daisy-ycguoIntel
- DavidMGreen
- ddragosdAdobe System
- deepakjeena
- dgrove-oss@IBM
- dubeeIBM
- duynguyen@adobe
- edwardyoonApache Software Foundation, Samsung Electronics
- houshengboBloomberg
- jasonpet
- jbampton@brisbanesocialchess @john-bampton @SalamLang
- jhcloos
- KeonHee@naver
- mcdan@adobe
- mhamannRownd, Inc.
- myrle-krantz@grafana and @apache
- niks3089Bengaluru
- ningyougangNaver China
- paulcastroIBM Research
- perryibm@ibm @openwhisk
- pono/dev/null
- rabbah@digitalocean
- selfxp@adobe
- sobkowiakCapgemini
- style95Naver
- UniqueJoker11
- upgleSeoul, Republic of Korea
- wikierAmazon
- ysjjovoJinJiang,ChengDu,SiChuan,China