Apache OpenWhisk Runtime NodeJS supports Apache OpenWhisk functions written in JavaScript for NodeJS
- 3
Gradle : Incompatible versions
#229 opened by Rurouni-Jiaxin - 3
- 8
- 5
support typescript as source
#42 opened by csantanapr - 3
- 0
- 5
Make it easier to use webpack with JS actions
#156 opened by macdonst - 1
avoid using env vars in /run in runtimes
#155 opened by tysonnorris - 1
- 1
base64 param length limit?
#107 opened by Sumhua - 4
Publish npm for the nodejs images
#23 opened by ieb - 0
cannot use node-rdkafka - missing sasl libs
#11 opened by rabbah - 4
Seems that nodejs:10 doesnt have package redis
#144 opened by lesomnus - 5
Change in global scope eval causes `main` to not be found in bundled action (typescript + webpack)
#138 opened by rasantiago - 3
- 1
Support listening to cloud events in knative
#130 opened by jthomas - 7
- 1
bump nodejs versions 10.15, 8.15, 6.16
#105 opened by csantanapr - 1
Add Nodejs v12
#124 opened by jthomas - 0
- 1
bump openwhisk npm to 3.18
#92 opened by csantanapr - 3
Add nodejs:10 LTS
#43 opened by csantanapr - 2
problems with error handling
#96 opened by csantanapr - 0
Thrown errors from async function missing details
#63 opened by jthomas - 0
bump nodejs 8 to latest LTS 8.12.0
#90 opened by csantanapr - 0
update travis to push hash commit with latest
#88 opened by csantanapr - 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
CWD is not the root of the zip action
#57 opened by csantanapr - 1
- 1
- 2
Bump nodejs 8 to latest LTS 8.11.2
#51 opened by csantanapr - 4
Some source files miss Apache license headers
#25 opened by daisy-ycguo - 1
need to bump npm openwhisk version
#19 opened by rabbah - 0
- 1
Update watson-developer-cloud
#10 opened by rabbah - 0
- 0
- 0
Update nodejs6 to LTS 6.12.0
#6 opened by csantanapr - 0
initial support NodeJS8
#8 opened by csantanapr