
PredictionIO Java SDK

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Apache PredictionIO Java SDK

This bulk of this README is divided into two sections: Using the SDK and developing the SDK. Choose the one the suits you. For support please see the bottom of this README.

Using the SDK

With Maven

If you have a Maven project, simply add the dependency to your pom.xml.

<project ...>

With Ivy

If you use Ivy, simply add the dependency to your ivy.xml.

<ivy-module ...>
        <dependency org="org.apache.predictionio" name="predictionio-sdk-java-client" rev="0.13.0" />

With sbt

If you have an sbt project, add the library dependency to your build definition.

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.predictionio" % "predictionio-sdk-java-client" % "0.13.0"


Please check out the examples under examples/.

Developing SDK - Building from Source

Fork and clone from GitHub. The following assumes you are cloning to your home directory.

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/<your_github_handle>/predictionio-sdk-java.git

To build this SDK you will need Maven 3+. Run the following to publish the module to your local Maven repository.

cd ~/predictionio-sdk-java
mvn clean install

Run the following to generate API documentation.

mvn javadoc:javadoc

Running CLI Examples


If your PredictionIO server is not at localhost, edit the source and replace API URLs with your redictionIO server host.

To build these examples you will need Maven 3+. Run the following in each example's directory, e.g.

cd ~/predictionio-sdk-java/examples/quickstart_import
mvn clean compile assembly:single
cd ~/predictionio-sdk-java/examples/import
mvn clean compile assembly:single

These will create JAR files with all dependencies built in.

Try It Now

For running the quick start example (quickstart_import), please refer to the "Quick Start" page of the PredictionIO documentation. Most importantly, create an App with pio new app MyApp and take note of the Access Key produced, which will be <your accessKey here> in the following.

For quickstart_import,

cd ~/predictionio-sdk-java/examples/quickstart_import
java -jar target/quickstart-import-<latest version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar <your accessKey here>

To check the data has been imported successfully, run

curl -i -X GET http://localhost:7070/events.json?accessKey=<your accessKey here>

To import the provided small sample data for the import example using asynchronous calls:

cd ~/predictionio-sdk-java/examples/import
java -jar target/sample-import-<latest version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar <your accessKey here> sampledata/sample1.txt

To check the data is imported properly, run

curl -i -X GET http://localhost:7070/events.json?accessKey=<your accessKey here>



Bugs and Feature Requests

Use Apache JIRA to report bugs or request new features.


Keep track of development and community news.


Read the Contribute Code page.


Apache PredictionIO is under Apache 2 license.