Apache ServiceComb Pack is an eventually data consistency solution for micro-service applications. ServiceComb Pack currently provides TCC and Saga distributed transaction co-ordination solutions by using Alpha as a transaction coordinator and Omega as an transaction agent .
- alex2chen上海
- bingq6
- carvendyguangzhou
- chenlch
- cuihailin
- David0825
- EmDongJ
- eumji025life.pingan.com
- GeekTJS
- haijunTanHUAWEI
- iambowenXi'an, China
- ideaui
- itliusirly.com
- javamonkeyjoelli soft
- just520funCN
- kaojunsonghttps://www.zontal.io/
- lanhuaizh_CN
- LiJinglei
- lockerzhang
- pengliubao
- rockdragonChina
- seanyinx
- stevehuNetwork New Technologies Inc.
- sucesserliTubao
- tongzh
- venjiang@yomorun
- Vibutnum北京
- VictoryWangCNAlibaba
- xushuang998
- yingfengChina
- yzc964956741
- zenlintHUAWEI technologies Co., Ltd.
- zhang2014
- zhao791204China beijing
- zhoudaqingM800
- zhouzw