- 0
- 3
Mounting a volume to container is not clear
#736 opened by jamesla - 1
Improve documentation for additional volumes
#675 opened by mcarroll1 - 0
- 2
- 2
- 12
Configuration of Solr MultiAuthplugin with JWT and basic auth gives the error of PKI authentication on creating cores.
#719 opened by khandnb - 1
Unable to pass shareProcessNamespace to PodOptions
#716 opened by tommylogik - 1
- 6
Unable to install solr-operator 0.8.1 - zookeeper operator post install job failure
#728 opened by jamesla - 12
[Regression] security.json is not uploaded during the first initialization of SolrCloud
#720 opened by erwanval - 1
How to keep the configsets directiory in solr pods with deployed with helm chart
#723 opened by saireddyb - 1
not every ingress controller is nginx
#725 opened by msporleder - 1
- 2
Solr Restore Space Considerations in Kubernetes
#726 opened by mchennupati - 4
- 1
- 1
gen-pkcs12-keystore init container fails if the tls secret contains no ca.crt
#684 opened by smoldenhauer-ish - 0
Stop using deprecated to setup security
#731 opened by janhoy - 3
Issue with basic auth
#672 opened by sgowda97 - 3
BalanceReplicas called even when PopulatePodsOnScaleUp and VacatePodsOnScaleDown are false
#724 opened by sigram - 1
Facing trouble while restoring solr in 8.11.3
#714 opened by pritamdas99 - 0
- 1
SolrOperator leads to 404
#713 opened by rmoreno123 - 12
- 2
Scale down operation fails and is never requeued if `getReplicasForPod` fails transiently
#707 opened by kos-team - 0
Upgrade from Kubebuilder 3 to 4
#710 opened by HoustonPutman - 0
- 1
Configure Resources for zookeeper operator
#708 opened by aloosnetmatch - 3
- 1
- 2
- 1
adding automountServiceAccountToken
#701 opened by jojay - 2
- 6
Run solr-operator and solr helm chart on openshift get error "would violate PodSecurity "restricted:v1.24""
#671 opened by aaronsuns - 2
Support replicaPlacementFactory in solr.xml
#691 opened by janhoy - 0
Missing permission for "/admin/info/system" endpoint in security.json template in the SolrCloud CRD documentation
#679 opened by dan-niles - 0
Liveness probe failing for Prometheus Exporter connected to a large SolrCloud
#693 opened by HoustonPutman - 1
- 1
- 0
Add useful Operator metrics
#690 opened by janhoy - 2
Ability to set custom hostname for SolrCloud
#667 opened by mcarroll1 - 4
- 1
User helm chart 0.8.0 with default values thorw the error in ValidationError(SolrCloud.spec): unknown field "scaling" in org.apache.solr.v1beta1.SolrCloud.spec
#683 opened by schotten - 4
Support running the solr operator on ARM nodes
#686 opened by fliphess - 8
- 4
- 1
- 0
Operator never deletes ingress or per-node services
#673 opened by janhoy - 1
AppVersion vs Image.tag
#666 opened by brickpattern