Yomichan MeCab Installer

Installs the files required to run MeCab in Yomichan. Python and MeCab have to be installed separately.


If you are running Mac, first install Homebrew, as it is used to install the dependencies.

  1. Install Python 2 or 3
    • Windows: https://www.python.org/downloads/
    • Mac: Python 2 is deprecated and will be removed in 10.16. To install Python 3, run brew install python3
    • Linux: Python is usually included with a Linux distribution
  2. Install MeCab
    • Windows: https://taku910.github.io/mecab/#download (mecab-x.xxx.exe:ダウンロード)
    • Mac: run brew install mecab
    • Linux: package managers usually include MeCab. You don't need to install a dictionary package from the package manager, this script downloads the required dictionaries for you
  3. Download and extract this repository to the location where you wish to install the files. ~/Downloads might not be the best place
  4. Run install_mecab_for_yomichan.py and follow the instructions

demo video

You can move the install directory later, but you have to run the install again if you do that.