
This is an internal project developed by Antonio Calatrava for SpaceInvader Europe Aps to create a OpenHaystack compatible device on a Moko M1 and Moko M2 devices.

In November 2023, SpaceInvader Europe Aps open sourced the project under the MIT license so others may benefit and contribute further.

Currently this firmware is compatible with the following models: Moko M1-PNDA Moko M2-PNDA-HA

This firmware support DFU updating, this way you can generate tags and deploy them over the air.

Setting up

Get submodules

git submodule init
git submodule update

Install required dependencies

  • nRF command line tools brew tap homebrew/cask-drivers; brew install --cask nordic-nrf-command-line-tools

  • binutils brew install binutils

  • gcc-arm-none-eabi brew install --cask gcc-arm-embedded

Compile the firmware

Follow instructions on the apps folder