A platform independent reporting tool for diskspace usage in time. Every time the script runs, it adds an entry of the actual diskspace to a specified csv file. Over time you can analyse, where your diskspace goes.
The report csv-file can be emailed via your email account. The file can be set up as a service as well, so you will get automated reports via email.
pip install diskspace_report
pip show diskspace_report
Afterwords, when no error occurred, diskspace_report binary is in your path and you can use it by invoking:
diskspace_report --help
- Download and unpack the source-code (whereever you want)
- Make sure python3 is installed and all relevant paths are in your path environment
- Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Windows
- MacOS
- Linux
- The script may run on every platform which supports python3. Some functionality like --editconfig may fail.
- There is a config.py file to adjust the settings. You can edit the config with
diskspace_report --editconfig
- Email ist turned off by default. Parameters can be shown with
diskspace_report --showconfig
- You have to fill all required fields for the email to work and to switch on email report
- Test the script without email on the command line
- When everything works, test it with email on the command line
- Afterwords you can add it as a service and run it on a automated basis
Usage: diskspace_report [OPTIONS]
Diskspace_Report: A tool to analyse and print / email the available
diskspace to a csv file
--editconfig Opens the config file for editing
--showinfo Show the Package Information and some path information
--version Show the version number of the script
--showconfig Show all the parameters configured in the configuration file
--run BOOLEAN Run the script. Defaults to True
--help Show this message and exit.