
Shell scripting utility functions and a bash script boilerplate template

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Shell Scripting Templates and Utilities

A collection of shell scripting utilities and templates used to ease the creation of BASH scripts. BATS provides unit testing capabilities. All tests are in the tests/ repo.

Bash Script Template Usage

To create a new script, copy scriptTemplate.sh to a new file and make it executable chmod 755 [newscript].sh. Place your custom script logic within the _mainScript_ function at the top of the script.

Script Template Usage

Default flags included in the base template are:

  • -h: Prints the contents of the _usage_ function. Edit the text in that function to provide help
  • -l [level]: Log level of the script. One of: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, ALL, OFF (Default is 'ERROR')
  • -n: Dryrun, sets $DRYRUN to true allowing you to write functions that will work non-destructively using the _execute_ function
  • -v: Sets $VERBOSE to true and prints all debug messages to stdout
  • -q: Runs in quiet mode, suppressing all output to stdout. Will still write to log files
  • --force: If using the _seekConfirmation_ utility function, this skips all user interaction. Implied Yes to all confirmations.

You can add custom script options and flags to the _parseOptions_ function.

Script Template Functions

scriptTemplate.sh includes some helper functions to perform common tasks.

  • _alert_ Provides alerting and logging functionality. See notes below.
  • _trapCleanup_ Cleans up files on error
  • _makeTempDir_ Creates a temp directory to house temporary files
  • _acquireScriptLock_ Acquires script lock to avoid race conditions on files
  • _functionStack_ Prints the function stack in use to aid debugging
  • _parseOptions_ Parse options and take user input (-a, --some-flag, and --some-file [filename] supported)
  • _usage_ Prints help text when -h passed
  • _safeExit_ Used to exit gracefully, cleaning up all temporary files etc.

Script Initialization

The bottom of the script template file contains a block which initializes the script. Comment, uncomment, or change the settings here for your needs

trap '_trapCleanup_ ${LINENO} ${BASH_LINENO} "${BASH_COMMAND}" "${FUNCNAME[*]}" "${0}" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"' \
set -o errtrace                           # Trap errors in subshells and functions
set -o errexit                            # Exit on error. Append '||true' if you expect an error
set -o pipefail                           # Use last non-zero exit code in a pipeline
# shopt -s nullglob globstar              # Make `for f in *.txt` work when `*.txt` matches zero files
IFS=$' \n\t'                              # Set IFS to preferred implementation
# set -o xtrace                           # Run in debug mode
set -o nounset                            # Disallow expansion of unset variables
# [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && _parseOptions_ "-h"   # Force arguments when invoking the script
_parseOptions_ "$@"                       # Parse arguments passed to script
# _makeTempDir_ "$(basename "$0")"        # Create a temp directory '$tmpDir'
# _acquireScriptLock_                     # Acquire script lock
_mainScript_                              # Run the main logic script
_safeExit_                                # Exit cleanly

Utility Files

The files within utilities/ contain BASH functions which can be used in your scripts. Each included function includes detailed usage information. Read the code for instructions.

Including Utility Functions

Within the utilities folder are many BASH functions meant to ease development of more complicated scripts. These can be included in the template in two ways.

1. Copy and Paste

You can copy any complete function from the Utilities and place it into your script. Copy it beneath the end of _mainscript_()

2. Source entire utility files

You can source entire utility files by pasting the following snippet into your script beneath _mainScript_(). Be sure to replace [PATH_TO] with the full path to this repository.

_sourceHelperFiles_() {
  # DESC: Sources script helper files.
  local filesToSource
  local sourceFile
  for sourceFile in "${filesToSource[@]}"; do
    [ ! -f "${sourceFile}" ] \
      && {
        echo "error: Can not find sourcefile '${sourceFile}'."
        echo "exiting..."
        exit 1
    source "${sourceFile}"


  • _setColors_ Sets color constants for alerting (Note: Colors default to a dark theme.)
  • _alert_ Performs alerting functions including writing to a log file and printing to screen

Basic alerting, logging, and setting color functions (included in scriptTemplate.sh by default). Print messages to stdout and to a user specified logfile using the following functions.

debug "some text"     # Printed only when in verbose (-v) mode
info "some text"      # Basic informational messages
notice "some text"    # Messages which should be read. Brighter than 'info'
warning "some text"   # Non-critical warnings
error "some text"     # Error state warnings. (Does not stop the script)
fatal "some text"     # Fatal errors. Exits the script
success "some text"   # Prints a success message
header "some text"    # Prints a header element

Set the following variables for the alert functions to work.

  • $LOGFILE - Location of a log file
  • $QUIET - If true, nothing will print to STDOUT (Logs files will still be populated)
  • $DEBUG - If true, prints debug and verbose level alerts to stdout


Common functions for working with BASH arrays.

  • _inArray_ Determine if a value is in an array
  • _join_ Joins items together with a user specified separator
  • _setdiff_ Return items that exist in ARRAY1 that are do not exist in ARRAY2
  • _removeDupes_ Removes duplicate array elements
  • _randomArrayElement_ Selects a random item from an array


Commonly used functions in many scripts

  • _execute_ Executes commands with safety and logging options. Respects DRYRUN and VERBOSE flags.
  • _findBaseDir_ Locates the real directory of the script being run. Similar to GNU readlink -n
  • _checkBinary_ Check if a binary exists in the search PATH
  • _haveFunction_ Tests if a function exists
  • _pauseScript_ Pause a script at any point and continue after user input
  • _progressBar_ Prints a progress bar within a for/while loop
  • _rootAvailable_ Validate we have superuser access as root (via sudo if requested)
  • _runAsRoot_ Run the requested command as root (via sudo if requested)
  • _safeExit_ Cleans up temporary files before exiting a script
  • _seekConfirmation_ Seek user input for yes/no question
  • _setPATH_ Add directories to $PATH so script can find executables


Functions to write to a CSV file.

  • _makeCSV_ Creates a new CSV file if one does not already exist
  • _writeCSV_ Takes passed arguments and writes them as a comma separated line


Common utilities for working with dates in BASH scripts.

  • _monthToNumber_ Convert a month name to a number
  • _numberToMonth_ Convert a month number to its name
  • _parseDate_ Takes a string as input and attempts to find a date within it to parse into component parts (day, month, year)
  • _formatDate_ Reformats dates into user specified formats


Common utilities for working with files.

  • _listFiles_ Find files in a directory. Use either glob or regex.
  • _backupFile_ Creates a backup of a specified file with .bak extension or optionally to a specified directory.
  • _parseFilename_ Break a filename into its component parts which and place them into prefixed variables for use in your script (dir, basename, extension, path, etc.)
  • _decryptFile_ Decrypts a file with openssl
  • _encryptFile_ Encrypts a file with openssl
  • _extract_ Extract a compressed file
  • _json2yaml_ Convert JSON to YAML uses python
  • _makeSymlink_ Creates a symlink and backs up a file which may be overwritten by the new symlink. If the exact same symlink already exists, nothing is done.
  • _parseYAML_ Convert a YAML file into BASH variables for use in a shell script
  • _readFile_ Prints each line of a file
  • _sourceFile_ Source a file into a script
  • _uniqueFileName_ Ensure a file to be created has a unique filename to avoid overwriting other files
  • _yaml2json_ Convert a YAML file to JSON with python


Functions useful when writing scripts to be run on macOS

  • _haveScriptableFinder_ Determine whether we can script the Finder or not
  • _guiInput_ Ask for user input using a Mac dialog box


Helpers to work with numbers

  • _fromSeconds_ Convert seconds to HH:MM:SS
  • _toSeconds_ Converts HH:MM:SS to seconds
  • _countdown_ Sleep for a specified amount of time


Functions to work with external services

  • _haveInternet_ Tests to see if there is an active Internet connection
  • _httpStatus_ Report the HTTP status of a specified URL
  • _pushover_ Sends a notification via Pushover (Requires API keys)


Work with strings in your script

  • _cleanString_ Cleans a string of text
  • _stopWords_ Removes common stopwords from a string. Requires a sed stopwords file. Customize to your needs.
  • _escape_ Escapes a string by adding \ before special chars
  • _htmlDecode_ Decode HTML characters with sed. (Requires sed file)
  • _htmlEncode_ Encode HTML characters with sed (Requires sed file)
  • _lower_ Convert a string to lowercase
  • _upper_ Convert a string to uppercase
  • _ltrim_ Removes all leading whitespace (from the left)
  • _regex_ Use regex to validate and parse strings
  • _rtrim_ Removes all leading whitespace (from the right)
  • _trim_ Removes all leading/trailing whitespace
  • _urlEncode_ URL encode a string
  • _urlDecode_ Decode a URL encoded string

A Note on Code Reuse

I compiled these scripting utilities over many years without having an intention to make them public. As a novice programmer, I have Googled, GitHubbed, and StackExchanged a path to solve my own scripting needs. I often lift a function whole-cloth from a GitHub repo don't keep track of its original location. I have done my best within these files to recreate my footsteps and give credit to the original creators of the code when possible. Unfortunately, I fear that I missed as many as I found. My goal in making this repository public is not to take credit for the code written by others. If you recognize something that I didn't credit, please let me know.
