
Hung calls checker

Primary LanguagePython

Hung calls checker

Hung calls checker - it is a simple script which allows to check some calls with exceeded duration. Script takes the following parameters :

1) --ip/-i - IP address of the needed sip environment
2) --duration/-d - Max allowed duration of the call
3) --show - shows call id and duration with some actions.
4) --disconnect - !!! It just disconnects the calls if duration exceed !!!
                      /You have additional 5 second to abort it/
5) --debug - writes some additional information to the log file(/home/porta-one/call_monitor.log)

You can run hcc.py without parameters in order to see list of the ip addresses of the available sip envs on the current sip server. Also, scripts writes all the needed information in the log file ('/home/porta-one/call_monitor.log'). It seems it is rare used stuff, I've made just for practice.

Examples :

sudo python2.7 hcc.py

without parameters it will show all sip envs on the current server

sudo python2.7 hcc.py --ip -d 600 --debug --disconnect

will disconnect all calls with duration more then 600 seconds with debuging information.

sudo python2.7 hcc.py --debug --show

will show all (possible)hung calls for every sip env

How to download script on the particular server ?

wget --no-check-certificate --content-disposition https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apalii/hcc/master/hcc.py

The same for all SIP servers ?

for i in `mysql -uroot porta-configurator -sse "select ip from Servers where name like '%sip%'"`
    echo -e "\n\n---SIP server: $i---\n"
    rsh_porta.sh $i '
    wget --no-check-certificate --content-disposition https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apalii/hcc/master/hcc.py'

How I can disconnect calls with exceeded duration ?

for i in `mysql -uroot porta-configurator -sse "select ip from Servers where name like '%sip%'"`
    echo -e "\n\n---SIP server: $i---\n"
    rsh_porta.sh $i '
    sudo python2.7 hcc.py --debug --disconnect'


03.12.2014 - nice README (: 
14.11.2014 - better performance using re.compile, reduced timeout in Telnet,
             handling exeptions, some minor improvements.
26.10.2014 - added previous ability to specify --ip and --duration
             if ip or durations was missed script will catch it
             some improvements with reading files
23.10.2014 - getting durations from the config files, renamed to the hcc
10.10.2014 - PEP8 fixes
07.10.2014 - logging
01.10.2014 - normal processing of the parameters and disconnecting were added
30.09.2014 - re and dict processing was enhanced a bit
22.09.2014 - Telnet session was added