Mac OS VPN routing to AWS

Fetch and parse AWS ips range

I assume that VPN is already configured and we need to route traffic through VPN only for needed resources instead of absolute all traffic. Open your Network Settings => Choose you VPN connection => Advanced and disable Send all traffic over VPN

Also, I assume that you are familiar with Python programming language which will be used further. Let's install an appropriate Python version from At this moment 3.7.3 is the latest version.

$ python3 -V
Python 3.7.3

Create a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv ipython
cd ipython/

Activate it and install all the needed packeges :

. bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install requests
pip install ipython

Open the ipython terminal using ipython command. Here is an example how to fetch IP networks renges for AWS us-east-1 data centre :

import requests as r
ips = r.get('').json()['prefixes']

# Here we filter IP ranges only for us-east-1
list_ips_us_east_1 = [ i['ip_prefix'] for i in ips if i['region'] == 'us-east-1']

# And here we filter CIDRs which start with '54.' '4.' and '3.' for my individual needs.
# Feel free to skip or change this step
needed_list = [i for i in list_ips_us_east_1 if i.startswith('54') or i.startswith('4.') or i.startswith('3.')]

# Let's create all the needed route commands
for i in needed_list:
    print(f'sudo /sbin/route add -net {i} -interface $1')

Let's cteate ip-up file and put all the route commands in it:

sudo nano /etc/ppp/ip-up

File structure:

/sbin/route add -interface $1

Set permissions:

sudo chmod +x /etc/ppp/ip-up

That's it. Now your traffic to AWS us-east-1 will be routed over VPN, respectively all other traffic over standart connection. In order to check your routing table execute the following command:

netstat -nr 

Alternatively you can create alias in your ~/.profile for particular host

alias host-route-add='sudo /sbin/route add -host -interface ppp0'

Or particular network

alias net-route-add='sudo /sbin/route add -net -interface ppp0'

To remove the needed route:

sudo /sbin/route delete -interface ppp0