
timezone converter timeanddate.com

Primary LanguagePython

Timezone converter

Another useful script which helps in day-to-day routine. (it takes all data from timeanddate.com)

What should be installed :

  1. Of course Python3

  2. Script:

wget --no-check-certificate --content-disposition https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apalii/timezone/master/timezone.py
  1. ALso you need pip for python3 - it is command line tool which can install/update/uninstall Python packages.
sudo apt-get install python3-pip 
  1. Requests module
sudo pip3 install requests
  1. beautifulsoup4 module
sudo pip3 install beautifulsoup4

On my machine:

echo -e "$(python -V)$(python3 -V)\n$(pip list|egrep -i 'req|beau|argp')"
  • Python 2.7.6
  • Python 3.4.0
  • argparse (1.2.1)
  • beautifulsoup4 (4.3.2)
  • requests (2.2.1)

Example :

Usecase : You should schedule some maintenance on the production installation in different time zone. Solution: Let's imagine that some restarts should be performed on 5th of Dec at 23-00 (New-York TZ). So run the following:

python3 timezone.py -c new-york -d 20141205 -t 23

   -c - city
   -d - date in format yyymmdd
   -t - time hhmmss

Output will be the following (just copy/paste in TT):


New York (U.S.A. - New York) Friday, December 5, 2014 at 11:00:00 PM EST
Kyiv (Ukraine) Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 6:00:00 AM EET
Corresponding UTC (GMT) Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 04:00:00


Usage :

usage: timezone.py [-h] --date DATE --time TIME --city CITY [--debug]

Timezone converter beta version

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --date DATE, -d DATE  Example: -d 20141201
  --time TIME, -t TIME  Example: -t 23 - it means 23:00:00
  --city CITY, -c CITY  Example: -c new-york
  --debug               Debug

updatedb script

If you run it you will download 4119 pages from timeanddate.com and create new databases with IDs of the cities. Some unusefull cities will be skipped :

ignored = [1440, 3875, 367] # UTC, Zulu, Kyiv
ignored.extend(range(3878, 3902)) # Alpha, Beta, etc.
ignored.extend(range(3903, 3929)) # UTC times
if i in ignored:

It takes about 2 hours (: