
Samples and Best pratices to use Azure SQL DB to build modern, mission critical application, with ease and confidence

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Azure SQL DB Samples and Best Practices

Azure SQL DB Samples and Best Practices


Samples and Best practices to use Azure SQL DB to build modern, mission critical applications, with ease and confidence.

Running the samples

Make sure you have an Azure SQL DB database to use. If you don't have an Azure account you, you can create one for free that will also include a free Azure SQL DB tier:


To create a new database, follow the instructions here:

Create Azure SQL Database

or, if you're already comfortable with Azure CLI, you can just execute (using Powershell or Command Prompt, Bash, via WSL, a Linux environment or Azure Cloud Shell)

az group create -n <my-resource-group> -l WestUS2
az sql server create -g <my-resource-group> -n <my-server-name> -u <my-user> -p <my-password>
az sql db create -g <my-resource-group> --server <my-server-name> -n DevDB --service-objective BC_Gen5_2

Once the database is created, you can connect to it using Azure Data Studio. If you need help in setting up your first connection to Azure SQL with Azure Data Studio, this quick video will help you:

How to connect to Azure SQL Database from Azure Data Studio

Azure Data Studio supports Jupyter Notebooks. They will be used in some samples. If you never used them before, take a look here:

Introduction to Azure Data Studio Notebooks

Sample Index

  1. Restore Database: Restoring a database in Azure SQL
  2. Resilient Connections: How to create resilient solutions with Azure SQL
  3. Work with JSON: Working with JSON data in Azure SQL
  4. Graph Models: Graph model sample and references
  5. GeoSpatial Support: Working with GeoSpatial data in Azure SQL
  6. Key-Value Store: How to implement a Key-Value store with In-Memory tables
  7. Network Latency: How to minimize the impact of network latency with using Azure SQL
  8. Read Committed Snapshot: With Azure SQL default isolation level writers will not block readers
  9. External Data Access: Importing or using external data with Azure SQL
  10. Partitioning: Work In Progress
  11. Updates and Deletes: Work In Progress
  12. Temporal Tables: Work In Progress
  13. Change Tracking: Work In Progress
  14. Change Data Capture: Work In Progress
  15. Columnstore: Work In Progress
  16. Data Masking: Work In Progress
  17. Ledger Tables: Work In Progress
  18. Row Level Security: Work In Progress
  19. Grouping Sets: Work In Progress
  20. Windowing Functions: Work In Progress
  21. Views: Work In Progress
  22. Stored Procedures: Work In Progress
  23. User Defined Functions: Work In Progress

Learn More

If you want to learn more on how to create modern scalable applications with Azure SQL you should read this book:

Practical Azure SQL Database for Modern Developers

Practical Azure SQL Database for Modern Developers

that comes loaded with samples too: https://github.com/yorek/practical-azure-sql-db-for-modern-developers