
Implement JWT Authorization using NodeJS and Express

Primary LanguageCSS


This article describes how to generate a JSON Web Token (JWT) using NodeJS code (using v18.12.1 at the time of writing this) in order to authenticate automatically a user with Qlik Sense SaaS, thus avoiding an interactive login where users are prompted to present credentials.


  • Visual Studio Code is installed on your machine to open and customize the code
  • Install NodeJS on the developer machine
  • Install OpenSSL on the developer machine


Install package dependencies

npm install

Generate a self-signed certificate

This project is running express.js server over HTTPS, so you need to use SSL certificates signed by a publicly trusted certificate authority (CA) or create your own self-signed certificate using openssl:

openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout server.key -out server.cert

*Source: Running express.js server over HTTPS

Copy the resulting files server.key and server.cert in the same root directory of this project, i.e. same location as the file server.js

Running the server

node server.js


npm start

JWT authorization

Qlik OEM YouTube video tutorial: In this video, you're going to use the example code from this github repository, create a public / private key pair for signing JWT tokens, create and configure a JWT IdP in your Qlik Cloud tenant, and make the necessary adjustments in the example code to use your own Qlik Cloud teanant and configured JWT IdP. Lastly, you're going to test the example code which sends users from the custom login page (simulating an ISV/OEM auth module) to your Qlik Cloud Hub. This example code is a modified version of the JWT boilerplate available in Qlik's Glitch account.

Create Signed Tokens for JWT Authorization: In this technical tutorial, you are going to learn how to configure Qlik Sense SaaS to use JSON web tokens (JWT) for authorizing users in your tenant

Implement JWT Authorization: Follow the steps in this technical tutorial to learn how to configure a web application to create a signed JWT token and send it to Qlik Cloud to authorize a user to view embedded content from a Qlik Sense application.