Mars Rover 2021 - Group 17

Mars Rover 2021 Second Year Project

This repository is the workspace of Group 17 and all the codes are located in their respective folders. As a general rule, the files found in the "Tests" or "Testing" are to be ignored and just the remainig files represent the latest working versions.

Files located in "Command" comprise of all the codes needed to run the server and the webpage.

Files located in "Control" are mostly partial tests that were developed for each pair of communications, and Master_Control_2 is the latest one running on the ESP32.

Files located in "Drive" have a similar hierarchy, final_drive_for_integration being the latest version of the Arduino code.

Files located in "Integration" are just test files.

Files located in "Vision" are Quartus and Eclipse build files, with an additional README further detailing in that folder.

Files located in "Energy" are used for the TCP client that interfaces between Energy and Command, along with the Arduino code that sends the battery percentage to the server.