
Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

PLASM (Programming LAnguage for Solid Modeling)

Plasm is a 'design language' for geometric and solid parametric design, developed by the CAD Group at the Universities 'La Sapienza' and 'Roma Tre' in Italy.

Get Plasm:

git clone git://github.com/plasm-language/pyplasm.git
cd pyplasm

Linux compilation

Install prerequisites:

        libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev libasound2 libasound2-dev alsa-base alsa-utils \
        python python-dev python-setuptools libxinerama-dev libxrender-dev libxcomposite-dev \
        libxcursor-dev swig libglu1-mesa-dev libfreeimage3 libglew1.10 libpng12-0 \
        libpng12-dev libjpeg-dev libxxf86vm1 libxxf86vm-dev libxi6 libxi-dev \
        libxrandr-dev mesa-common-dev mesa-utils-extra libgl1-mesa-dev libglapi-mesa \
        python-numpy python-scipy

sudo apt-get install $PREREQUISITES # OpenSuse: "sudo zypper install $PREREQUISITES"

Install some extra python packages:

sudo easy_install PyOpenGL PyOpenGL-accelerate

Check that your python is 2.7

python --version

Generate makefiles and make binaries:

cd /home/$USERNAME/pyplasm
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
sudo make install # if you get an error try the following "touch install_manifest.txt" and "chmod a+rw ./*"
cd ..

MacOsX compilation

IMPORTANT: do not install brew and use ONLY the official python already installed on your osx (should be 2.7; you can type 'python --version' in a terminal)

  1. Install XCode tools from AppStore (optionally install also Xcode command line tools)

  2. Install PyOpenGL (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyOpenGL):

    tar -zxvf PyOpenGL-X.X.X.tar.gz
    cd PyOpenGL-X.X.X
    python setup.py install
  3. Install cmake for OSX (https://cmake.org/download/) Example: cmake-3.4.1-Darwin-x86_64.dmg

  4. Download pyplasm in your home directory (example: /home/$USERNAME/pyplasm) Open a terminal and create the build directory:

    cd /home/$USERNAME/pyplasm
    mkdir build
  5. Run Cmake application:

    "Where is the source code"    /Users/$USERNAME/pyplasm
    "Where to build the binaries  /Users/$USERNAME/pyplasm/build
    Press configure, then generate.
  6. Build and install:

    cd /home/$USERNAME/pyplasm/build
    xcodebuild      -project PyPlasm.xcodeproj -target ALL_BUILD  -configuration Release
    sudo xcodebuild -project PyPlasm.xcodeproj -target install    -configuration Release

Windows 7/8 compilation


  • Visual Studio (Express edition is free)


  • Python 2.7.3 - 32 bit


  • PyOpenGL 3.0.2 - 32 bit


  • numpy 1.7.0 - 32 bit


  • SciPy 0.12.0 rc1 - 32 bit


  • Swig 2.0.9

http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/swig/swigwin-2.0.9.zip (unzip Swig and move the folder to obtain C:/swigwin-2.0.9)

  • Cmake - 32 bit

http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake- (during the installation select: "Add CMake to the system PATH for all users")

Run cmake-gui:

"Where is the source code"    <browse to the pyplasm directory>
"Where to build the binaries  <browse to the pyplasm directory>/build

Press configure:

"Build directory does not exist..." > Yes
"Specify the generator for this project": Visual Studio 11
Select: "Use default native compilers"
Wait...  "Configuring done"!
Select: "Ungrouped Entries" > "PYPLASM_REGENERATE_SWIG_WRAPPERS" and check it

Press configure again:

Select: "SWIG_EXECUTABLE" > "SWIG_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND" and specify: C:/swigwin-2.0.9/swig.exe

Press configure again:

Wait...  "Configuring done"!

Press generate:

Wait...  "Generating done"!

Run Visual Studio:

File > Open > Project/Solution... > ..\pyplasm\build\PyPlasm.sln
Wait till the project is loaded

In the upper fields:
"Solution Configurations": Release
"Solution Platforms": Win32

Wait till the project is built: "Build: 9 succeeded, 0 failed..."

In the "Solution Explorer" panel highlight: "INSTALL"
Wait till the project is built: "Build: 3 succeeded, 0 failed..."

Test pyplasm is working

python from pyplasm import * c=CUBOID([1,1,1]) VIEW(c) quit()