
A list of the Shiny apps I've made

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A collection of the Shiny Apps I have made:

  1. approximating_pi is an app that uses Monte Carlo methods to give an accesible visual introduction to numerical integration. The actual app can be found at: https://apapiu.shinyapps.io/Pies/

  2. overfit is a work in progress that lets the user pick certain parameters like degree of fit and regularization constans for a given random noisy data set. The user then gets a plot of how their models did. I have found it very useful in understanding overfitting and different levels of regularization.

  3. baby_names is also a work in progress. It look at the social security data on names of babies born since 1880 and plots various trends based on name input. The user can also look at gender neutral baby names. You can find the app here: https://apapiu.shinyapps.io/baby_names/ - it should be pretty smooth sine I am using the data.table for data manipulation.