A Python API wrapper to facilitate interactions with ThreadFix.
This package implements all API functionality available within ThreadFix 2.2.2 (Apr 30).
Several quick start options are available:
- Install with pip (recommended):
pip install threadfix_api
- Download the latest release
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/aparsons/threadfix_api.git
# import the package
from threadfix_api import threadfix
# setup threadfix connection information
host = 'http://localhost:8080/threadfix/'
api_key = 'your_api_key_from_threadfix'
# instantiate the threadfix api wrapper
tf = threadfix.ThreadFixAPI(host, api_key)
# If you need to disable certificate verification, set verify_ssl to False.
# tf = threadfix.ThreadFixAPI(host, api_key, verify_ssl=False)
# You can also specify a local cert to use as client side certificate, as a
# single file (containing the private key and the certificate) or as a tuple
# of both file's path.
# cert=('/path/server.crt', '/path/key')
# tf = threadfix.ThreadFixAPI(host, api_key, cert=cert)
# rock and roll
teams = tf.list_teams()
if teams.success:
print(teams.data) # Decoded JSON object
for team in teams.data:
print(team['name']) # Print the name of each team
print('Uh Oh! ' + teams.message)
Supporting information for each method available can be found in the documentation.
Have a bug or a feature request? Please first search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.
- Copyright 2015 Adam Parsons
- Licensed under MIT.