SQLite Wasm conveniently wrapped as an ES Module.
This project wraps the code of SQLite Wasm with no changes. Please do not file issues or feature requests regarding the underlying SQLite Wasm code here. Instead, please follow the SQLite bug filing instructions.
npm install @sqlite.org/sqlite-wasm
There are two ways to use SQLite Wasm: in the main thread and in a worker. Only the worker version allows you to use the origin private file system (OPFS) storage back-end.
import sqlite3InitModule from '@sqlite.org/sqlite-wasm';
const log = (...args) => console.log(...args);
const error = (...args) => console.error(...args);
const start = function (sqlite3) {
log('Running SQLite3 version', sqlite3.version.libVersion);
const db = new sqlite3.oo1.DB('/mydb.sqlite3', 'ct');
// Your SQLite code here.
log('Loading and initializing SQLite3 module...');
print: log,
printErr: error,
}).then((sqlite3) => {
try {
log('Done initializing. Running demo...');
} catch (err) {
error(err.name, err.message);
The db
object above implements the Object Oriented API #1.
Warning For this to work, you need to set the following headers on your server:
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
// In `main.js`.
const worker = new Worker('worker.js', { type: 'module' });
// In `worker.js`.
import sqlite3InitModule from '@sqlite.org/sqlite-wasm';
const log = (...args) => console.log(...args);
const error = (...args) => console.error(...args);
const start = function (sqlite3) {
log('Running SQLite3 version', sqlite3.version.libVersion);
let db;
if ('opfs' in sqlite3) {
db = new sqlite3.oo1.OpfsDb('/mydb.sqlite3');
log('OPFS is available, created persisted database at', db.filename);
} else {
db = new sqlite3.oo1.DB('/mydb.sqlite3', 'ct');
log('OPFS is not available, created transient database', db.filename);
// Your SQLite code here.
log('Loading and initializing SQLite3 module...');
print: log,
printErr: error,
}).then((sqlite3) => {
log('Done initializing. Running demo...');
try {
} catch (err) {
error(err.name, err.message);
Warning For this to work, you need to set the following headers on your server:
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
Import the @sqlite.org/sqlite-wasm
library in your code and use it as such:
import { SqliteClient } from '@sqlite.org/sqlite-wasm';
// Must correspond to the path in your final deployed build.
const sqliteWorkerPath = 'assets/js/sqlite-worker.js';
// This is the name of your database. It corresponds to the path in the OPFS.
const filename = '/test.sqlite3';
const sqlite = new SqliteClient(filename, sqliteWorkerPath);
await sqlite.init();
await sqlite.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test(a,b)');
await sqlite.executeSql('INSERT INTO test VALUES(?, ?)', [6, 7]);
const results = await sqlite.executeSql('SELECT * FROM test');
If you are using vite, you need to add the following
config option in vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
export default defineConfig({
server: {
headers: {
'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy': 'same-origin',
'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy': 'require-corp',
optimizeDeps: {
exclude: ['@sqlite.org/sqlite-wasm'],
Check out a sample project that shows this in action.
See the demo folder for examples of how to use this in the main thread and in a worker. (Note that the worker variant requires special HTTP headers, so it can't be hosted on GitHub Pages.) An example that shows how to use this with vite is available on StackBlitz.
(These steps can only be executed by maintainers.)
- Update the version number in
reflecting the current SQLite version number and add a build identifier suffix like-build1
. The complete version number should read something like3.41.2-build1
. - Run
npm run build
to build the ES Module. This downloads the latest SQLite Wasm binary and builds the ES Module. - Run
npm run deploy
to commit the changes, push to GitHub, and publish the new version to npm.
Apache 2.0.
This project is based on SQLite Wasm, which it
conveniently wraps as an ES Module and publishes to npm as