
Source of the docs.ruby-lang.org site

Primary LanguageRuby


Platform Environment

  • We use capistrano for deployments.
  • Currently hosted on AWS EC2 Tokyo region
    • All applications run as rurema user.
  • Periodic tasks run in systemd timer (systemctl list-timers)


Files and Directories

  • rurema-search: /var/rubydoc
  • docs.ruby-lang.org: /var/www/docs.ruby-lang.org
  • nginx configuration: /etc/nginx/sites-available/docs.ruby-lang.org

Files need to backup

  • old statically generated contents (old versions need to copy from old server): /var/www/docs.ruby-lang.org/shared/public/{en,ja}/*
  • Fastly API Key: /home/rurema/.docs-fastly
  • Slack webhook URL: /etc/systemd/system/notify-to-slack.env

Related repos

Vagrant Environment


git clone https://github.com/ruby/docs.ruby-lang.org
git clone https://github.com/ruby/rurema-search
cd docs.ruby-lang.org
vagrant up
vagrant ssh-config >> ~/.ssh/config
bundle install
cap vagrant deploy
cp config/deploy/vagrant.rb ../rurema-search/config/deploy/vagrant.rb
cd ../rurema-search
cap vagrant deploy
cd ../docs.ruby-lang.org
vagrant ssh
sudo systemctl start rdoc-static-all.service bc-setup-all.service &
sudo systemctl status rdoc-static-all.service bc-setup-all.service bc-static-all.service update-rurema-index.service
  • Open https://localhost:10443/ in browser (ignore certificate error (NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID) because of using self signed certificate generated by provision/selfsigned.yml)
  • Run sudo systemctl start rdoc-static-all.service to update English documents.
  • Run sudo systemctl start bc-setup-all.service to update Japanese documents.
  • Run sudo systemctl status rdoc-static-all.service bc-setup-all.service bc-static-all.service update-rurema-index.service to see progress.
    • Active: activating (start) since ... means running.
    • Active: inactive (dead) since ... means finished.

Production Environment


cap production deploy


ansible-playbook -i docs-2020, provision/playbook.yml
ansible-playbook -i docs-2020, provision/users.yml
ansible-playbook -i docs-2020, provision/rurema-search.yml
ansible-playbook -i docs-2020, provision/letsencrypt.yml


Install mackerel-check-plugins too.


ignore = "/dev/loop*"

command = ["check-file-age", "-i", "-w", "90000", "-c", "172800", "-f", "/run/docs.ruby-lang.org/bc-setup-all.updated"]
command = ["check-file-age", "-i", "-w", "90000", "-c", "172800", "-f", "/run/docs.ruby-lang.org/bc-static-all.updated"]
command = ["check-file-age", "-i", "-w", "90000", "-c", "172800", "-f", "/run/docs.ruby-lang.org/rdoc-static-all.updated"]
command = ["check-file-age", "-i", "-w", "90000", "-c", "172800", "-f", "/run/docs.ruby-lang.org/update-rurema-index.updated"]