MiaViz – a tool for processing metagenome prediction files.

This tool can open metagenome files, filter them by taxonomy, and output filtered results for further analysis. The tool can also do some basical statistcial analysis, like summing the function abundance per sample location, and function abundance per sample location + taxonomy.

How to use

If you are building from source, run dotnet run to build, restore and run the tool. The tool provides you with two actions:

  • process - parses the metagenome input files (contribution and description), filters them by taxonomy, and outputs filtered result
  • generate - uses the filtered result to run a simple statistical analysis and outputs visualisation-friendly results

All result files are valid TSV files.


process – processing metagenome files*

Running from Windows

mia-viz.exe process -c "/path/to/contribution.tsv.gz" -t "/path/to/taxonomy.tsv"

Running from source

dotnet run process -- -c "/path/to/contribution.tsv.gz" -t "/path/to/taxonomy.tsv"


  • -c -> path to contribution tsv.gz file
  • -t -> path to taxonomy tsv file

generate - generating output files

Running from Windows

mia-viz.exe generate -t Microbacil Macrobacil

Running from source

dotnet run generate -- -t Microbacil Macrobacil


  • -t -> list of taxons to include in the generate statistical analysis files


All output files can be found in the tool's ./output subdirectory.

How to publish an EXE version

Run the following command to build a self contained, Win 64 or OSX ARM 64 compatible executable You can find the Release ID nomenclature here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/rid-catalog

dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 --self-contained true

dotnet publish -c Release -r osx.13-arm64 --self-contained true