
A Mercado Libre Client SDK that supports promises

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Mercado Libre SDK for Node.js that supports promises.

npm version npm downloads


npm install meli


import meli from 'meli';

var client = new meli.Meli(client_id, client_secret, [access_token], [refresh_token]);

const categories = await client.get('sites/MLA/categories');


/** prints to the console:
	{ id: 'MLA5725', name: 'Accesorios para Vehículos' },
	{ id: 'MLA1071', name: 'Animales y Mascotas' },
	{ id: 'MLA1367', name: 'Antigüedades' },
	{ id: 'MLA1368', name: 'Arte y Artesanías' },
	{ id: 'MLA1743', name: 'Autos, Motos y Otros' },
	{ id: 'MLA1384', name: 'Bebés' },


Field Type Required Description
client_id int yes ID provided when creating a MELI APP (link to create app guide)
client_secret string yes Hash string key provided when creating a MELI APP (link to create app guide)
access_token string optional Used to talk to our API resources that require credentials (eg: POST to /items).
refresh_token string optional Hash string provided when a user authorizes an A P. Used to get a new valid access_token (only available when offline_access scope in APP settings is checked).



Field Type Required Description
redirect_uri string yes Callback URL to which the user will be redirected after granting permission to the Meli APP. The code required to obtain the first access_token (required in Authorize method) will be appended to this URL when making this redirect.
returns string


meliObject.authorize(code, redirect_uri) 
Field Type Required Description
code string yes Code received at redirect_uri when user granted permission to the Meli APP.
redirect_uri string yes Callback URL to which the API will send the access & refresh tokens. It must be the same as the one configured in the Meli APP settings.





meliObject.get(path, [params,]) 
Field Type Required Description
path string yes API resource path to which the GET request will be sent.
params object optional Additional params (if required).


meliObject.post(path, body, [params,]) 
Field Type Required Description
path string yes API resource path to which the POST request will be sent.
body object yes Body to be sent when executing the POST request.
params object optional Additional params (if required).

upload (post with multipart)

meliObject.upload(path, body, [params,]) 
Field Type Required Description
path string yes API resource path to which the POST request will be sent.
body object yes Body to be sent when executing the POST request.
params object optional Additional params (if required).


meliObject.put(path, body, [params,]) 
Field Type Required Description
path string yes API resource path to which the PUT request will be sent.
body object yes Body to be sent when executing the PUT request.
params object optional Additional params (if required).


meliObject.delete(path, [params,]) 
Field Type Required Description
path string yes API resource path to which the DELETE request will be sent.
params object optional Additional params (if required).