Buildspace Mint NFT Collection

Description of project from buildspace:

"You know those websites where people are making millions of dollars where users can come and 'mint' an NFT? We're building that. Your project will let users connect their Ethereum wallet, and mint an NFT to their wallet so they actually own it. They'll even be able to re-sell the NFT on OpenSea. The NFT itself can be customized to whatever you want."

I am creating a Star Wars themed NFT called FalconNFT, where each NFT is a uniquely generated combination of possible ship names.


npx hardhat run scripts/run.js
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby

Links to NFT

Final Falcon NFT


This is the most recently deployed version of FalconNFT with randomly generated Star Wars ship names.

Dynamically Generated On-Chain Image


Three Word Generation Image


Original Image

